Advice needed.... Should I "mod" or buy new??


Newly Enlightened
May 1, 2008
Hi all...

In a bit of a quandry, want a nice, powerful handheld & rechargeable flashlight for general night use (I do a lot of night driving and sometimes need to locate a particular address/house/factory etc)

Anyway, I am wondering whether to mod my existing 3D Mag, or to buy one of those 35w HID flashlights advertised widely on Ebay - I have a budget of around £120 and am more than capable or soldering etc etc... But I am after the best light output/throw/runtime combo..

All advice/suggestions appreciated...

You could try this for 6 hours of 260 lumens in your 3d mad.

I personally don't own a Malkoff, but I have read some good things about them on this site.

I see it's sold out though...
Cheers Wignut, looks good - But my focus has been thrown (pardon the pun) towards the Ultrafire WK-1300L and the Fenix TK40 (I already own a Fenix L2D Prem Q5 as my everyday carry)

I do like the idea of the Ultrafire, esp with rechargeable included - The TK40 is one small light for the output though - Are either of these focusable?


There are a couple of '3D' Maglites on the table and a HID on the chair. The HID is huge, heavy and not easily maneuverable. Unless you really need a searchlight I do not recommend it.

If you need focusable and bright you are probably stuck with Maglite or LED Lenser (X21?). LED Lenser is not well known on this side of the pond so are not discussed much here.

Do not limit yourself to LED mods for the Mag. Check out the Incandescent Flashlights forum.
See LuxLuthor's Most Powerful Maglite Mods List.
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Most lights here aren't focusable. A Maglite Mod or drop-in should work well for you.

You could also try one of the newer Rebel MagLEDs if you have them in your area.
When I say "focusable" I mean say, able to distinguish a house door number @ 50ft? Would a Std Ultrafire WL1300 be ok for this, as I seem to be reading a few bad reviews on the TK40....

If you're after maximum run time, in general that limits you to LED lights. HIDs, while they are the kings of throw distance, aren't known for long run times.

Upgrading flashlights is fun, if you're into modifying things. In my opinion, modifying Maglites is a whole lot of fun, but the whole attraction to them is the modification process itself and the sense of enjoyment that you get from saying that you did it yourself. If you don't get good vibes from other non-flashlight D-I-Y projects, you might not "get" the appeal of modding a Maglite.

I don't know what sort of negative reviews that you've read about the Fenix TK40, but I *love* mine. It's (and it's brother the TK30) the best combination of throw, flood, brightness, and general beam quality. There is not a light out there that I have seen (admittedly I haven't seen them all) that comes close to its what I would call "perfect" beam pattern. By perfect I mean perfect for my use.

Once again, the Malkoff Devices Maglite drop in suggestions are great and I certainly do not disagree with how wonderful that upgrade is, none of those Maglite drop ins have been available for quite some time though. I was seriously considering one of those for my Maglite, but I gave up after waiting...and waiting...and waiting for them to be available again. After a few months I lost my patience and bought a Terralux TLE-300M-EX for my 4 D cell Maglite. If you want a Malkoff drop in for your Maglite you must be extremely patient.
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Cheers for the input, it's down to the TK40 or the Ultrafire WL1300 now... Hmm decisions, decisions...


Edit - after reading the excellent TK40 review on here, it does seem to be pretty indestrucible - I do like my EDC, Fenix L2D although battery life is poor on alkalines...

I can't seem to find a review of the Ultrafire on here, unless I am looking in the wrong place lol...

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Ultrafire is a DX/eBay light.
DX/eBay lights is considered the bottom in terms of quality. Get a good one, you are happy. Get a bad one, you are tearing your hair out. Do you know how much trouble it is to exchange a faulty product from the other side of the world?

Ultrafire is one of the better brands at DX. Still .....

I bought an Ultrafire C3 single mode. A 5 mode showed up. Swapped the head onto my Civictor body. Have Low-Medium-High-STROBE-SOS instead of a simple On-Off.
Another member broke the clicky switch on his new C3. I sent him mine and it too broke within a week.

I did a Google search for the Ultrafire WL1300. One hit - this thread. It appears no other CPF member wants to risk their money. Please do a review if you do get one.
Ok, that clinches it then....

TK40 ordered - check
8 Eneloops ordered - check

Now what charger to get lol....

Chargers.... you mean we have a choice?

Personally I'm loving my Maha / Powerex C9000. Only regret..... should have bought it years ago instead of wasting my money on 'fast chargers' etc. It's already paying for itself in the number of batteries it's rescued via 'break-in'. Very easy to use too.

I also have the TK40 - you'll love it. :D
Have ordered the BQ-392 Panasonic Infinium battery charger as it was only £11.99 delivered from the place I ordered my eneloops from (£13.10 delivered for 2 packs of 4)

I do however want to upgrade to something a little more "hefty" as soon as I can...

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