After upgarding, what will you do with your old lux........


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2005
Sol 3
After upgarding your flashlight with newer Lux / Cree / Seoul.
What will you do with your old / outdated Lux?

As a flashaholic, I put it into my car, replacing the very dim dome lights.
Let the pictures show you.






The chassis "Ground" is positive of my car, but the circuit ground is negative. The suitable isolation should be taken.
The current draw is almost the same from bulb or LED 12V 0.65A. But the brightness is incomparable. Total no. of lux used, Quad-Lux x 3 = 12 Lux.

Enjoy your mod!
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Thanks Goldserve, if the drivers have your FluPIC function, how wonderful it will be!
Now 12V input to ((700mA drive 2x Lux parallel) serial (700mA drive 2x Lux parallel)).
Great mod ! Tried it once too with a single Lumiled Star...
Too bad my car is not in Rotterdam :)

Cheers !
I admire people who can do stuff like this without blowing up their neighborhood, which is what I would likely do.
Well after my latest slew of upgrades i have about 6 perfect white Twoh's. Where did they go?

Well, i have an old mobile phone charger that kicks out about 6.5v at 500ma. Si i attached it to 2 luxxes and placed them behind my bed head for ambience lighting. They were too bright so a potentiometer was added:)

The other 4 were attaced to another wallwart that gave 12V at 300ma. They light up my workbench in the garrage. :)
Oh this changes everything.....imagine us all riding around in a 3300 lb. heatsink....very nice mod by the way.
that is awesome! i have got to learn more about this. the dome light in my car is tragic... cant even see the floor with it on.
Georges80 over at has (I think) for sale lux dome light modules complete with driver, but maybe no led included. I'd post a link but my work won't let me go to his website. (classified as porn for some reason!?)
Thanks guys,

How could I stand it before! The old bulbs were not bright enough for kids fastening the seatbelt! :ohgeez:

For the front dome light 2 sets: I am using a 4-18V 750mA step-down driver to (lux parallel lux) serial (lux parallel lux) each LED=375mA
Center dome light: a 4-18V 750mA step-down driver to Cree + Cree + (Cree parallel Cree), so 750mA + 750mA + 375mA + 375mA.

There will be same brightness as the engine start or not.
The trick was how to make a good heatsink in the limited size.

Enjoy your mod!
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That's a really good mod. All kinds of Old incandescent bulb car dome lights are notoriously dim and feeble - hardly light up the floor. I would do a mod like this... just one little problem... I don't actually have a car :D
Changchung, 94 camry, modern Toyota is negative ground.

lctorana, :laughing:
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