AI versus NS: comparative pictures to choose from...


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2008
Genova, sea port of the Italian Republic

I'm planning to buy a Raw but cannot decide if AI or NS.:thinking:
It's only a matter of look because I know they are the same machine.
Not yet found a side by side picture to compare them.
Kindly has anyone such a picture?

Thanks a lot and best cheers from Italy

I'd go for al myself. NS is more durable but smells a bit, personally I can't stand it, others don't mind.
The photo in the Lummi link shows most of the RAWs but not all. Missing are the Damascas (RAW Da) and the CR2 based Ag RAW. The three on the left are the old Al RAW and newer (longer) Al RAW (also made in Ti)- all with CR2 cells. The last three are the smaller RAW Ti, NS and Ag. The new RAW Al will be just like the RAW Ti and NS but the color of the Al RAWs on the left. It will also weigh less than the NS if that's important and smell really bright. I've actually never noticed any smell on my NS. I decided to grab a RAW Al since I love Rob's lights and use them often. The new brighter LED is a plus and I sort of like to collect so one of each flavor is nice. Oh, and there are some CAMO RAWs (CR2 cell) and probably a number of one-offs such as a RAW Ti that's actually made of SS. And the hybrid lights with a Ti tail mated to an Al or Ag head (I think that's how it was). Plus some specially polished, anodized or otherwise treated RAWs along with prototypes, etc. There are a bunch of them and I hope Rob will put some kind of database together so we'll know what was made and when. Whatever light you get I'm sure you will love it. Get both if you are undecided.
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I think that I will start just with one.

That will do just fine. Anyone use two flashlights at the same time? You might consider the RAW Al as your starter. It's a limited (100) edition that has been out for a while now. I don't know how many are left and the RAW NS has been produced for a long time now in several runs so it's probably likely to be available in the future but the RAW Al- who knows? And it's lighter and doesn't smell. I love 'em all and sort of wish I had bought the RAW when it was still available (the CR2 one) and even a silver one. I didn't know they would turn out to be my most used and possibly favorite light.
I was also thinking about the Raw Al and had a question about the finish. I can't find the thread right now, but someone posted that the Al's finish rubs off rather easily and leaves a black residue. Is this a common issue? Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Here's a picture of the Raw Al:


I would advise you to go for a Raw Ti, more exspensive, but you will be delighed. no tarnishing and a beutiful light to carry and own.
...the Al's finish rubs off rather easily and leaves a black residue.

The "finish" is just the raw aluminum and, common with any aluminum that isn't anodized, it may leave some blackish residue with a lot of rubbing. I don't have a bare al light to have had any experience but would think any black coming off (aluminum oxide) would be minimal unless the light is really getting rubbed around a lot. Would a coat of wax help? There are plenty of Al RAWs out there so someone may pipe up with their experiences.
I have had a Raw Al and a Raw Ti. I sold the Raw Ti but kept the Raw Al. I notice no tarnishing, but I don't handle it all the time. I really like the light weight of the Raw Al. I have handled a Raw NS, and it was really heavy. The Raw Al is a nice weight and doesn't weigh down my pockets. The Raw Al does scratch easily, but so does the Ti version. They are great lights. I did think that the Raw Al were sold out, but maybe they decided to do another run? :shrug:

While I love titanium lights, the Raw Al is my favorite because of the weight.
Again, a lot of useful info.
I'm oriented towards an AL as my first Lummi: it's very nice and also a "light LIGHT". TI is nice also but too much expensive and I'm not so heavily in love with titanium to spend about 3 times other materials :sick2:
I think that from the point of view of quality/price ratio AL and NS are up and standing.
Also the light engines are the same, so AL will fit well my light and look needs, with a 100/20 lumens that are good both in runtimes and light produced.

Maybe in the future i will look at titanium and more powerful engines...but for now...not so noble metals.
Enjoy your time
Also the light engines are the same, so AL will fit well my light and look needs, with a 100/20 lumens that are good both in runtimes and light produced.

You're looking for the light that I had up for sale. I decided I liked it too much to sell, so I never lowered my price again. I bet you'll like that one. The 20/100 engine choice is my favorite! The 100 lumens is usually enough. Enjoy! You WILL be back for more I predict!
Here's a pic of my newest orbs!

Raw Al on left ( Green ) Raw NS on right ( Blue )


Incidentally, the finish on the Al won't stay rainbowy like that for long! Under normal light the NS looks more golden than the very silver Al.

The NS is heavier, feel's great, and smells of coins!

I love them both!

Be lucky...
I think my My raw AL is the 20/200 version, although it seems much brighter on low than 20 but it is nowhere near as bright as my Wee NS 100. on keys it got heavily scratched up, wore through the lanyard slot on the back and all the trits broke. usually puts a black smudge on my hands with heavy use. AFTER all that, it is still my favorite light, I hand it to folks to use and they turn it on and go- hey that little sucker is pretty bright. then I say keep turning. 200 lumens, BAM.

I've got the wee NS on my keychain now with a different clip, double swivel, and after moving it to the heavier cut out on the back, it has been fine for about 2 months now.
I did think that the Raw Al were sold out, but maybe they decided to do another run? :shrug:

The RAW Al is still available as of the first of this week as I ordered one. Last Augest there were supposed to be 15 left after the second 50 lights of the batch of 100 were finished and shipped but leaving 15 unspoken for. You want one, better get one in a hurry.

It's the aluminum RAW (original CR2 battery version) that sold out last year and none have been made since. I wish that I had grabbed one of those.
So the AL's finish will rub off black, the NS smells bad, and the Ti is expensive... I guess each one has its drawbacks. How bad is the NS smell? Does it go away over time?
How bad is the NS smell? Does it go away over time?
Real bad. I can see the fumes rising off it like on a road on a hot day. I keep my NS out on the back porch where there's plenty of ventilation. Honestly though, I have never noticed any smell unless I stick my nose to it when I can smell something other than pure fresh air (maybe). But I don't carry mine other than for brief occasions and, maybe, my skin chemistry doesn't affect the nickel silver. Smell may be a personal thing I'd guess. You can always get a NS plated or paint it. I do think I've smelled a smelly smell of small order on brass lights more than on NS lights.
Get some nickel coated coins (A nickel would be a good place to start if you're US based!). Handle them for a while, rub em round your hands, give your hands a wiff. If you can't stand it, go for the al, if it's fine to you, go for the NS.

I've never noticed any black residue or tarnishing on my raw al.... I'd strongly recommend it if you're in any doubt :)