All Ett Executive Leather

They've gotta be brand spanking new. I was on the site 8 or 9 days ago and they weren't there then. I too, am very interested in anyone's PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with them.
The leather one is claimed to be the same thickness as the cloth ones, which is really hard to believe. Even more so because I own and use the cloth one.

I might need to be the guinea pig here and try it out. Too bad it's only in black. Worst case scenario, I try out their unconditional guarantee also.
I really doubt its as thin. If it was, they would have been using it from the start. I'm perfectly happy with the flexibility and durability that the cloth one offers. I'm not sure that a leather that thin would be as good in those departments.

The only upgrade I'd like to see and I've been meaning to make it myself, is the same AllEtt but in kevlar. I think that would be pretty cool though I admit that I don't know how flexible it is or its fatigue life.
I am very close to ordering one...

I think the Leather will make it more quiet and will make it feel more quality,

Would love to hear from anyone who has got one, however i think they have just come out.
Any news on this? I'm also very tempted to buy the European Executive, because I think it might last significantly longer than the cloth version.

BTW: The website now says the (empty) Executive ist 5/32" thick. Compared to the 1/32" thickness of the origina, this is still pretty good IMHO.
One year later, any new opinions on this wallet? Especially compared with the cloth one.