i use the momentary of my tk11 to flicker it just for fun..
i tend to do that with all my lights, to point at something with the beam.. "thats the dvd-remote there"
i tend to check my lights they work everytime one seems to be near my hands.
amusing story:
just before new year i was driving thru town as my friend called me.. i pulled over and answered..
1st thing he said: "Hi, so i guess you still havent installed your carstereos yet..?"
Me: "umm.. No?? why you ask that.. how did u know?"
He: "well im here on the construction site next to the trafficlights you just left.."
Me: " ah yeah.. so? the stereos? hows that related to this?"
He: "i saw you stopping to redlights.. clearly you got bored fast.."
Me: " ermmm.. yeah" (now i started to realise the reason for the call
He: " and there were you sitting alone in your car, singing or something and flickering a flashlight to the ceiling of your car while you waited the lights to turn to green.."
Me: " ahmm.. yeah.. just entertaining myself"
He: "and then you started to drive ahead and shined the light at the construction site as you drove past.. and continued to flicker the light on next traffic lights too.."
me: *laughing..* "true that.. but how could you see me in both lights?"
He: "i had to run across the apartment and to the other room just to check if you continue it.. and was trying to get our f*kin huge spotlight hid to work in time to shine into your car too! but couldnt!"