Amazing new headlamp for cavers

Yucca Patrol

Mar 5, 2008
This new Serv-Light headlamp just popped up on a caving forum. It is quite amazing and can be configured in many different ways with a range of possible LED emitters. It will certainly give the Sten-Light a run for the money.

It seems that it is still in development but close to being released. I'm anxiously awaiting pricing and availability information as I decide on my next high performance caving headlamp.

Some possible configurations:

1 cree p4 + 2 sscp4
1 cree p4 + 1 sscp4 + 1 sscp7
1 cree p4 + 2 sscp7

They have a very pretty website too!
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Hmmm, maybe competition for Stenlight....Scurion.....? I see it is built in Belgium...any idea of when it may become available and the pricing?

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Wow, I can see a lot of applications for this.

Can you imagine a reflector P7, bare P7, and a smooth P4 all in a single package?! :eek:
WOW! I can only imagine what the price is going to be, but this headlamp looks amazing!
Doesn't the Stenlight only use two Lux 3 emitters? This thing will completely crush it with the two P7's. It won't even be a comparison.
Cree P4 bin? I'd think they would be using a Q5. Perhaps someone got mixed up and copied down P4 for the Cree as well.
Other than that it looks very interesting.
Looks like it uses 2 Cree MC-Es and a Cree XR-E. That thing could be close to 2,000 lumens with the right battery and proper heatsinking. Probably costs a fortune though.
WOOWW!!! This brings headlamp designs right up-to-date, and even breaks new ground!!
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WOOWW!!! This brings headlamp designs right up-to-date, and even breaks new ground!!

My feelings exactly. As a frequent headlamp user, it is so frustrating that headlamps seem to be 2-3 or more years behind the times.
Well, I don't do any caving activities but, I have been looking at the Stenlight and later the Scurion and now, this Serv-light and I am most interested. The Scurion is quite a pricey light and, thus far, the company has not yet gotten proper licensing (?) to export to the US. I hope that does not pose a problem for this light as well.....

...The Scurion is quite a pricey light and, thus far, the company has not yet gotten proper licensing (?) to export to the US.
No, it is not a question of license, they just want avoid possible hassle with US legal claims.

Back to the Serv-Light: I can not find anything about lower modes. Does it dim? How does it dim? What is the lowest setting?

Price is in between 180 and 250 Euro (depending on the LEDs and drivers used) for the head.
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This is the info I got so far. Will post follow-up questions as I receive them.


Thank you for visiting our website !

Lamps are available, the delivery time is between 3 and 6 weeks.

At this moment we can only offer "the lamp only" configuration. This means that you get a lamp with a cable at your desireable lenght, for helmet mounting +/-35cm or longer for belt mounting. (a cable gland for your battery holder is also
The lamp comes together with a solid bracket (not adjustable) and an adjustable bracket. This bracket can be tilted (pivoted) at the desireable angle.

shipping: 26 dollar
Two SSC P4 leds+one CreeP4 (standard C01 website): 222,34 dollar VAT incl.
One SSC P4, one P7+one CreeP4: 269,12 dollar VAT incl.
Two SSC P7 + one CreeP4: 314,49 dollar VAT incl.

shipping: 26 euro
Two SSC P4 leds+one CreeP4 (standard C01 website): 179,00 euro VAT incl.
One SSC P4, one P7+one CreeP4: 215,29 euro VAT incl.
Two SSC P7 + one CreeP4: 251,59 euro VAT incl.
As a frequent headlamp user, it is so frustrating that headlamps seem to be 2-3 or more years behind the times.
Not my feeling. Remember the ActionLight? This was far in front of all handheld lights. Also with carbide lights, the headlamps were much more sophisticated (piezo lighter et al). And with the Scurion, for example, how many handheld lights do you know where you can mix spot and flood to your likeing, having a batter gauge and an option for a third LED? Or having as many power source options and two diffferent optics like a Stenlight? Not to mention the Lupine lights....Just my opinion.

Looks like it uses 2 Cree MC-Es and a Cree XR-E. That thing could be close to 2,000 lumens with the right battery and proper heatsinking.
And having that all from a 3.6V source....As far as I can tell, this housing is not massive enough for a proper heatsink in air at this power. It can certainly maintain that submerged.

Back to the Serv-Light: You cannot change the brightness settings of the different LEDs, each LED runs on the same current all the time.
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what is the XR-E for?
When there is the 2nd reflector-less P7? This one alone (with a vew output levels) can more than cover for it
--> less construction effort, smaller head
[edit]just got the "one drive level for each of the led"-part --> ridiculus.
Even the crap opperings at DX can do better. At least they are priced as worth as they are
The Lupine Tesla might become a direct competitor[/edit]

Wonder if the flame light - for short area illumination - gets obsolete.
For the occasional night hiker: sure, possibly also for the night/cave diver (where the small head can move away enough heat), but for the serious cavers, the ones staying inside caves for days, I dont think so.
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"No, it is not a question of license, they just want avoid possible hassle with US legal claims."

OK, thanks for that info!

Sorry about this second post and my ignorance on the response but, "lamp only" meaning without a battery pack/power source....correct?

Not my feeling. Remember the ActionLight? This was far in front of all handheld lights. Also with carbide lights, the headlamps were much more sophisticated (piezo lighter et al). And with the Scurion, for example, how many handheld lights do you know where you can mix spot and flood to your likeing, having a batter gauge and an option for a third LED? Or having as many power source options and two diffferent optics like a Stenlight? Not to mention the Lupine lights....Just my opinion.

yeah but compare offerings from mainstream headlamp manufacturers (Petzl, PrincetonTec etc.) vs. offerings the likes of Fenix, SureFire. Handhelds are way ahead...

the scurion and actionlight are niche products. granted this light appears to be niche as well, but with the headlamp market being the size it is, any new player bringing an infusion of innovation is great. I just think that Petzl, PTec et al have potentially much more to offer.
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Exactly. I can buy a $60 Fenix flashlight that puts out 180 lumens on 2xAA batteries. Two of these attached to the sides of my helmet outperform something like a Sten.

The latest and greatest version of the PT Apex now puts out only 130 lumens on 4xAA

It really should be a simple project for some company like Fenix to put together something equivalent or better than a Sten for half the price.

But I cannot wait to hear some real world reviews of this new Serv-Light.