An alternative for Battery Spacers/Magnets


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well this is it..some plumping and delrin washers with that parts that your shoelaces pass through (sorry do not know how it is called) easy way to take space in teh battery tube and make contact with buttib-less batts


The good thing is that they will accept solder so you can build on them...

I will make an upgraded version with some thin washers in order to raise the contact surfaces. The first version did not work well with the AW 18650s
Very clever!

They could be called eyelets. There may be a more technical name for them.

Do they add much resistance?
do not know and I neither I know how to measure...there should be some but the same holds for magnets..

I believe adding a layer of solder with improved contact (if there is enough pressure to press-crush)

Actually I would like one of the more experienced members to comment
They could be called eyelets. There may be a more technical name for them.

No you're on the money they're called eyelets, at least that's what we've always called them at the local hobbyists/textile store :D

Ingenious in it's simplicity kosPap, I'd still add some solder after burring up the surface with a dremel (or similar) :thumbsup:
ok that does it..I am moving my aKK and rushing to my lab to make the improved version...

I will try to measure the resistance effect with 2 RCRs and measure lux output in my lightbox....

see YA, kostas
Great solution!

The more technical term would be grommit, but I never seen that used referring to shoes.

I believe that just sanding the surface should provide less resistance if there is any, since these parts are often covered with a different finish. You can also solder on a wide array of different metals, but in most cases you need to add flux while soldering and that often means there will be more resistance than you wish for.
Nice idea, but why not use a rivet in the middle there? Should provide more mass for less resistance. Plus they are easy to buy local.
Nice idea, but why not use a rivet in the middle there? Should provide more mass for less resistance. Plus they are easy to buy local.

Perhaps because a rivet has a significantly "higher" profile than an eyelet OR more importantly the battery contact magnet is was intended to replace :D
This is a very good idea, and AFAIK an original one - a simple and effective way to secure a metal contact into an insulating disk. Nice thinking!
well I made the second version, but photos are impossible for the time being cos I am in a trip...

So...I added one thin washer at each side and covered the grommet with solder...

then i took a Solarforce L2with a Z41 tailcap,2 AW 16340s,a G&P G90 Xenon bulb and the spacer....

funny thing is that when the bulb got warm enough and the output sort of stabilized, i measured 475 lux in my box with the spacer added, and 467 without....
guess it was the extra pressure improving contact....

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"Nice work. I love the "home brew" solutions folks come up with. Thanks
Geoff "

So do I. I'm looking for plastic washers right now. I need a few more durable (and safer than just magnets) spacers.