And the Maglite still shined


Dec 20, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Have a small prob here and what went wrong hell knows. Ok, yesterday I recvd my Maha C9000 (thankyou Jeff and Servaas for your fast and excellent support). Any the C9000 is total new ball game for me compared to my simple Sanyo Eneloop charger. Anyhow what I did was I discharged two Eneloop AA's batts which took well over two hrs I would say close to 4 or near there, I honestly thought this discharging was never going to come to an end. Now funny thing after the discharge it showed done on the LCD screen of the C9000 but showed about 1.13 volts, something not right there I thought. Well anyhow after all this I decided to place the two AA Eneloops into my Maglite LED AA (originally where I got them from). Anyhow hoping when I switched on my Maglite nothing would happen, but sadly she shined like a bright star. So does this mean my discharge did not work and all that time was wasted :shakehead
Hello Albinoni,

Take the discharged cells out of your MagLite and charge them back up.

At the end of a discharge I often see open circuit voltages in the 1.15 - 1.2 volt range. This can be called "rebound" voltage. The higher the discharge rate, the higher the voltage will rebound to.

You can do the same thing with Alkaline cells. After your cells have been used up, if you turn the light off and wait a few minutes, it will come on brightly when you turn it back on again. Only, this brightness will only last for a few moments.

Deep discharging reduces cycle life. If you want to deep discharge your batteries you can run them in your MagLight until the light dims down, set them aside for an hour, then turn the light on again and run them down again. Sometimes you can get through several cycles of this. However, I would save this for the occasion where you are trapped in a cave and not sure if you are going to live or not. In other word, emergency use.

If you make it through the emergency, toss your batteries and start with new ones.

The C9000 displays capacity. The way to tell if the battery is discharged is to check the capacity and see if it is about what you expected. If you are not quite sure if you actually discharged your cells, run another discharge cycle. If it ends quickly, your cells are discharged.
