another 18650 ?


Sep 1, 2008
what is the highest capacity cell that will run a m@g85 3x18650 w/ softstart and a P7 1x18650. I am planning on running an AW 2600 in the p7, but I want my m@g85 cells for backup. I don't believe i can run three 2600 in the m@g. If not, what should I run. Thanks
I don't think that there is any reason that the AW 2600s couldn't be used to run an 1185 w/softstart... maybe there is something I don't know... Did you read something that would suggest otherwise?
Heck, I don't know. I am not super familiar with protected cells in series. I am fairly sure it would not work without the soft start. It seems like every time I see someone say a certain configuration works, 10 others say it did not work for them. I do not have the money to purchase and store batteries for future projects, so the cells I get need to work.
wait.. are we asking about what will fit or if the cells will deliver the current safely and reliably?

3 18650 cells will not fit in a mag side by side, but they will fit end-to-end in a longer mag. Modding the tailcap on a 3D might have room, or using a short custom dummy cell in a 4D would definitely work...

With the soft start, the cells will not have any problem powering the bulb, but it might still be advised to limit charge voltage to ~4.10V per cell to reduce the likelihood of prematurely burning out lamps.