Any comparisons of Task Force vs. TK20 beams?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
Seems like a natural match-up/competition.

Both made for throw, both rated 150 lumens. It'd be interesting to see the differences in not only output and beam profile, but also the tints.

If nobody else has any photos, I've got a TK20 shipping today, so I could try some comparo shots. But my camera can't really be set to do very good beamshot photos.

Plus, living in the city, people would probably be calling the cops on me if I was outside at night with flashlights and a camera! :ohgeez:
IIRC the Taskforce also has around 6000 lux at 1 meter(I could be wrong) so the Fenix should have similar throw. The TK20 also has a much warmer tint which will probably help outdoors.

You can try indoor wall shots or at multicolored targets.
Ah, interesting. I didn't know that anyone had taken lux readings on the TaskForce.

I've got about 30ft of indoor distance for beamshots, but I've noticed with throwers it can be tough because the hotspot on the wall is overpowering everything else in the camera image.