I predict this thread will rival some of the 2nd Amendment threads for length and passion.
The "Troy Street Traveling Dog Circus" has three current members:
"Pi" is a little black ragamuffin street dog that we literally picked off the roadside about 9 years when she was about a year old. Probably some type of wirehair terrier mix. She's the alpha dog, so being black and willing to run out the door to check out the neighborhood, she gets to wear a glowring at all times.
"Jazmine" is a little white dog who may be mostly if not pure Papillion. She was left at a construction site when she was 4 or 5 weeks old. The guys shared their lunches, left her water while she nested up under a lumberpile. I couldn't stand that, so she got to come home with me one day.
"Sim" is a pure Jack Russell who had a difficult birth. No vision in one eye and learning disabilities (to put it mildly). No one would take him from the breeder, so he was destined for the needle. I figured that since he had one good eye and I had one good eye that we should pair up.
We tell folks that these guys won the "Doggie Lotto".
BTW - Jaz is the one who had the problem with the Gorilla Glue that I posted about awhile ago.