Any guesses as to how soon SL, PT, UK or Pelican will make a 4AA Cree light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2006
New Mexico
Every month I look at Brightguy wishing to see a 4AA waterproof zytel the Propoly...with a Cree/Seoul/Rebel led, and every month I am dissapointed.

Have any of you heard of a something new coming out?
I was actually just wondering the same thing. I think an upgraded version of the SL Propoly 4AA would be awesome. :twothumbs

I would prefer more flood though in the new version.
C'mon, Streamlight !

I would like one with multiple levels,
selected by turning the head slightly to one of 3 "click-stops".

My choice would be: 100 %, 25 %, and 5 %.

Oh, and keep the Lifetime Limited Warranty, also !

(hint, hint)

I'd love to see such a light too. I'm a fan of conventional batteries: AA, AAA, C, or D.
I was actually just wondering the same thing. I think an upgraded version of the SL Propoly 4AA would be awesome. :twothumbs

I would prefer more flood though in the new version.

the current body design is fine, but if they arrive with a CREE head it would be much better :drool:
Amen! A 4AA Propoly Cree would be a great light. 2 levels would be nice or they could make it just a little brighter than the current version and add signicant runtime (kind of like what Surefire did with the KL1/KX2).
I was wondering the same!
A Cree-LED-dropin for the UK 4AA/Mini Q40 would be GREAT!:twothumbs
An updated UK Q40 with the same big spill,small spot,please.
UK :wave:
I just did my very first mod a couple days ago! I put a DX U-bin Seoul in one of my 4AA Propolys. It just blows away the stock version! If I can do it, I'm sure anyone can! I purchased the Seoul U-bin SWO from the DX site for $7.00 and followed the directions from Gryloc's thread. I have no soldering skills at all but was able to do this mod fairly easily with a $10.00 soldering pencil and a Dremel. I was so fired up about the propoly mod that I immediately put Seouls in an EOS headlamp and a Dorcy 3D! I'm gonna do my other propoly next week.

Was that Dorcy 3D you modded one of the 3D Super 1Watts? Kind of a pewter color with a huge deep reflector and a black rubber anti-roll ring on the head?
Yes, It was the 3d Super 1 watt. It was really easy to put one of the DX premounted Seouls in it. The biggest thing I've noticed about putting Seouls into deep reflectored luxeon lights is that it makes the spill beam a ton brighter. I have 2 propolys and 2 Dorcy 3Ds so I was able to compare these mods to the stock versions. I can also tell you that the DX bare Seoul U-bin SWO emitters are much better then the ones he sells pre-mounted on stars. If your gonna start modding some of your old luxeons, I would just scrape of the old emitter and solder on the DX bare emitters (Very easy!).

No thread highjacking intended!!!!

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