any other snake owners in this place?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i have 2 ball pythons and one loves to nail me lately. if u ask if it hurts not really just scarey .the speed the accuracy. im pretty sure both time i was mistaken for food
I read pythons saliva contains anticoagulant, so their prey bleeds to death.. How big are your serpents?
Being cold blooded reptiles, the heat most likely has them more active than usual.
there ball pythons like 3 or 4 feet. i love ball pythons may breed them there is a huge demand for some morphs some will cost more then a new car. mine are normals
They're cute when hatchlings.. Once they reach full grown not so cute anymore. You hear on news now and then a large constrictor trying to eat someone's small child or dog. What a nightmare that would be!
yep used handcleaner and that stuff in the tube . there easy to take care id say the easiet pet..mine eat frozen thawed rats. so i have to be careful becuase they know think when i open there cage its feeding time .they cant see to well. and strike at movement...then theymost the time understand they made ia mistake
a smarter guy uses a snake stick to pick them up out of there cages lol
this is new morph that will be in high demand this guy who breeds them is some kind of genius
That reminds me of a joke.

A guy and his monkey enter a tavern and both of them have a seat at the bar. The guy orders two beers and the monkey starts eyeing the olives and peanuts that are in a dish in front of him. The monkey picks up an olive and pokes it up his rear end. After a couple of seconds he extracts the olive and promptly eats it. Then he does the same thing with a few of the other food items atop the bar.

The bartender approaches the man and his monkey and says - "Hey man! You need to control your monkey. That's disgusting! What the hell is he doing?!

The man says - "Last week we were at the bar down the street when my friend here swallowed a cue ball. Now he tests everything for size before swallowing it."
Here in NorCal we have a bumper crop of rattlesnakes this season. The young have not yet grown there first rattle but just as poisonous as an adult snake. They are easily mistaken for gopher snakes to the untrained eye. We also have harmless yard snakes, Red Racers, and King snakes. About 3-4ft long when fully grown. Kings have a dark blue colored pattern over ivory scales. Very attractive shade of blue looks identical to Mag midnight blue, almost iridescent if you view one right after sheds their skin.. I'll find snake skins in my wood pile along with alligator lizards skins. The feral cats won't mess with a large alligator lizards. They're mean ugly suckers that bite down then hang on like a pit bull.
No offense, there might legit be something mentally wrong with your snake if it keeps mistaking you for food.
there ball pythons there not known to be very smart they learn when the top of cage opens many time it means food time. now i pick them up with a hook first once he is out i grab him and watch his head
No offense, there might legit be something mentally wrong with your snake if it keeps mistaking you for food.
Snakes can't see very well. Most are nocturnal and hunt at night in the wild. They rely on other senses like smell. No doubt Raggie's snake striked at movement thinking his arm was food. People that I've known with snakes fed them live prey, rats, chickens, and such.
whats crazy is how fast it is most times i dodnt see the strike i just feel it lol. i also feed frozen thawed so i have to move it for them
Get a long thin wooden dowel, or a thin garden stake to move the dead food around?

I knew this fella with reptiles. His house had two bedrooms to hold them all. He had different species of pythons, some 10-12ft.
The guy breed and sold the young to pet stores. One day I saw him coming out of a local pet store. His forearm had a baby's diaper wrapped around it. When I asked what's up, he unrolled the diaper and holy mother of God he had a snake bite wound 6" diameter that looked nasty with infection.
The fella was seeing a doctor, that was my second question.. Treatment involved series of penicillin shots for 3 days. Each session rotating needles from one butt cheek to the other🥳
Between the snake bite and shots, said hurt worse than the bite, he couldn't drive a car. His girlfriend had to drive him around town.
None of that stopped him from playing with reptiles.. I thought some day I'd hear about him on the news being eaten by a snake
(~3 foot) Boa constrictor snagged me once but not serious. Turns out some rodents (fed live to the snake) can get harmful to the snake if the process goes wrong. To lessen that, I used to hold the rodent by the tail and dangle said poor creature. At one point, hamsters were a better price than full grown mice, but they don't have enough tail to grasp, so I would feed them to the snake by holding the back end of the body. this one hamster jerked to one side just as the boa struck, grazing me; healed fast.

I made a point of getting the snake out of the aquarium by having my hand go low and approach from the side, though sometimes she would hiss her concern for her safety, more so during a shed (eye caps get cloudy). Their sense of smell is good. One can tell when they first sniff dinner.

I caution everyone about keeping snakes though. So many wrong reasons, eventual loss of interest, pythons getting so big. They can live a long time. They could be considered a philosophers pet, given that they seem to spend a lot of time thinking. The central american boa I raised from a pencil neck was a sweetheart who liked people. Two redtails I had wanted to avoid humans. A friend with a burmese that had free reign of the bathroom used to climb in the bathtub/shower with me when I used it. But there were complications later with other people. The same friend also had a reticulated that deserves its own post...
i also love rats rats make great pets and most are smart as or smarter then dogs

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