outdoor beamshots won't look too good...assuming of course you could capture it...
cameras, unless its completely manual will step down really bright lights and step-up really dim lights...so even if you could see the difference between them in outdoors, the intensity wouldn't be accurate
I know cuz I've tried, the E01 gave no light on camera beyond 3 feet
You'd be amazed how much little light you really need in total darkness.
Yep, I've used a lit up mobile phone keypad to see where I was going in the past. Night adapted eyes are amazing things!I completely agree, anybody who says these are not for outdoors should get out to where there is no light pollution, you would be amazed that these Little AAA's all the sudden have some decent throw to them!
I like your Olive one a lot better than the Orange one. It's quite an eye opener to see how much variation there can be in output.