Any thoughts on the newer Tenergy 1200 Li-Ion charger?

I too am interested in a LI-ion charger with some sort of LCD feedback (mA,V etc), as opposed to "light goes from red to green", but looking to charge a single cell is this unit the answer?
Well this unit will certainly charge one cell, or a pack of up to 4 cells, but it does not feature a cell holder. You would either need to make a holder (not rocket science) or use leads with tiny rare-earth magnets to stick to the cell ends. I have ordered one of these chargers to juice-up my 3-cell, 10.8v packs, as well as single 18650's. I have been using an inexpensive, 500ma "red light turns green" Li-Ion charger for the past year. Works fine, but too slow. And no Balance Charging, which my packs may need! Jeff O.