LESLIEx317537 said:
...my friend built a chamber and it makes some gases and you can see the particles go thru the gas...
I'm getting old - have I explained this before?
Project #1) In high school I made a
sub atomic particle cloud chamber and convinced the instructor I could figure out the speed of the particle.
My thoughts were to measure the length of the atomic particle's trail and then with the speed of the camera shutter, perform the calculations resulting in it's speed.
Well I couldn't get a good picture of the trail (oh, did I mention I was on the photography/year book staff with a full dark room available for my magic?). I ended up using a little/very tiny strand of a white thread/string, blurred up the pic a bit and then of course made my measurements & calculations for credit...
OFF TOPIC - but still in the "snake-oil mode":
Project #2) Convinced the instructor I could take a pic of a shattering light bulb after a hammer struck it. I had electrical contacts on the light bulb & hammer leading to a flash. Thoughts were that the flash would go off & freeze glass particles in flight after the hammer struck & set off the flash.
Well, I wasn't actually successful - so I glued pieces of shattered light bulb to black cloth...positioned the base of the shattered bulb, the hammer - took my pics & worked my darkroom magic...
Project #3) I also convinced the instructor I could take a pic of a bullet's flight fired out of .45 cal Colt. I glued a .45 bullet to a piece of non-glare glass with the gun barely visible in the side of the pic...
Of course the pic was too perfect, no motion/blurring or gas exhaust from the gun. I guess I took my "creativity" too far as he didn't believe it, didn't believe one his high school students had the technology to achieve those results. He said he'd give me credit if I explained how I did it all.
Being the "HONEST" person that I am - I indeed told him everything and he did give me credit!
Thank you Mr. Murphy R.I.P.