Anyone get their Aviatrix from Bawko lately?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
Has anyone received their Aviatrix mods from Bawko lately? I ordered one about the middle of last year, around the time he was moving his shop, and am hoping he is still planning on taking care of the orders. I am waiting patiently, which is not a problem. I just wanted to know what's going on with him and the Aviatrixes. (No meanness or hard feelings meant) I know he has had communication challenges as well as other significant problems with his move, so I mean no ill will at all towards him. He did email me last year and said it would be a while, so I understand the long wait.

Sorry to any Mods if this is in the wrong area. I did not know where to put it.
Hello Socom,

I think we will close this thread and pick up the discussion in the thread linked by Radio.

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