Often I think, what if one of these crazy terrorist *******s uses a few flashlights and the lithium batteries, and possibly something else to make a bomb? All it took was the shoe asshole and you know what degrading things we have to do.
If that ever happens, lights could be banned on all commercial flights -- imagine, no flashlights while traveling!
I guess I would drop them in the FedEx cases and my Haliburton luggage I send ahead that costs (Clients) thousands of dollars round trip to the location then back, I can't check the expensive gear I use in with the careless airlines. Example: I get a few last minute requests from large companies and they, in a recent example, tell me we need you tomorrow, well that is much to late to to a packing job that takes almost a day, and no way to meet an overnight shippers deadline, so I told them can't you hire local? NO! the CEO and Chairman want you. Fine, I said, send your jet for me or I won't do the project. Guess what they did. And both shook my hand for standing my ground.
Little OT, but we should all get used to the idea batteries and flashlights will be banned.
Up to now, I have had no trouble with lights and the authorities but, that can change overnight. Sad world we live in post September 11, 2001.