Anyone have this foam mattress?

Hi 22,

I'd recommend to look for something a little better. Tempsoma sounds like some kind of disease. Actually, what it does sound like is a hybrid-copy of the names of two major brands. Tempur Pedic, and I can't think of the other name at the moment... it'll come back to me.

Names aside, there's a number of reasons why I don't suspect it to be that great of a mattress. For one, visco elastic foam is available in different qualities, and the density rating only tells part of the story. The Tempsoma's top layer is 4 pound visco, which if I remember correctly, is on the low side for that type of foam, and is one potential quality indicator.

There's also been tons of hype over the years regarding "memory foam" mattresses, and a resulting market to fulfill demand based on that hype. Long story short, there have been lot's of medium to low quality copycats. But, even the best quality visco mattress has it's drawbacks, which brings us to the next point. Resiliency. Meaning, the foam's ability to "push back" against pressure. Whereas latex foams are generally "open cell", and the cells act like millions of little springs, visco is closed cell, and bottom out at a certain point much more easily. This effect is augmented by body heat, and the visco conforms to you. The two problems with that are, because the cells bottom out, the foam becomes harder at the points where they do, and secondly, if you change position, it takes a bit for the foam to rise back up, leaving a depression for a couple or few minutes. Depressions in the bed tend to try to suck you back into them like a black hole. Additionally, the lower quality visco's bottom out quicker than the better ones.

All in all, if you're looking for a very good quality foam mattress without breaking the bank, my recommendation would be to stick with high density latex foam. Take a look at Otis, and Gold Bond. A couple years back, I did way more research on this subject than neccessary, and became Mr. foam mattress expert. Found a few shops in NYC that had both brands and personally tried out every model to be found. Both makers are a cut above any of the copycats I found around Long Island. And don't be put off by the fact that they're primarily directed at the futon market. All the same technologies apply to modern, high quality futon matresses as do the box frame/foam models from huge name brands.

As for myself, I got the Otis Liberty. That model had the characteristics I liked best, but there are many to choose from. I didn't have tons of money to spend, but wanted something really good. Hence, all the excess research was all about trying to get the most bang for the buck, and I got it. I paid $350 for the mattress from a reputable internet dealer, and it's excellent. Lower quality items sell in brick and mortar stores for more than that, and are not as good.

A good mattress is part of a good night's sleep, and if you get the doctor recommended 8 hours a night (which I sure as hell don't), that's a lot of time in bed. It pays to know exactly what you're getting, regardless of price. Speaking of which, if you don't mind dropping a bigger chunk of change, reflex polymer mattresses are supposed to be pretty hot stuff.

Lots of good information at Futon Life, and also their forum. Happy hunting, and sweet dreams!... lol.
Great info !!

I have a Visco Pillow which is fantastic ..... didn't realise that Memory Foam has an in-built lifespan .....
Perfectionist said:
didn't realise that Memory Foam has an in-built lifespan .....

Do you mean your pillow is losing it's resiliency or other visco properties? I remember that a good latex foam mattress has a useful lifespan of over 10 years, some say 15 or more. Don't remember if it's the same or less for visco.

Also, I think I have to correct myself on something... it's been a couple years. I believe Otis is also a large name in mainstream bedding, not just futons.
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Try - it's 40% of the TempurPedic price, and an excellent mattress - I've got one and love it.
[Rant, oT] as far as the temperpedic mattress goes....:ohgeez:
Didnt hear anything positive about alleviating backpain, etc from friends who bought it.
they advertise it as being developed by NASA...yes in part this is true, but NASA used it to insulate introgen tanks :ohgeez: [Rant, oT]

mmm, interesting :thinking:
I have the 3" topper for my bed and it does conform to my body and seem to "sink" down into it. But pretty much what Illum_the_nation stated regarding the "alleviating backpain" part. In fact I still do have a different kind of lower backpain when I get up in the morning. Maybe old age? :thinking:

They have these also among others from Overstock.Com

I bought a 3" thick mattress topper for our King size bed, and we love it. If it rips and needs replacing down the road, I will buy another in a heartbeat.
that memory foam bed is awful...i went to sleepys and tried one out and its not comfy at all , ended up getting stearns & foster ultra plush sleeping on a cloud of pillows :)
Is the more expensive foam mattress any different than the cheaper ones in as they use the same type of foam, or are they using different foams?

Are the latex mattresses better?
my wife and i bought 2 pillows made by Tempur Pedic or the sams copy. can't remember which one. she said it made her dream all night constantly, and she gave it away. don't ask me to explain that. on the other hand, my pillow is great! its is the best one i have ever had. the only drawback is that it is a little cold at first.
22HERTZ said:
Is the more expensive foam mattress any different than the cheaper ones in as they use the same type of foam, or are they using different foams?

Are the latex mattresses better?

22, just to repeat... think density rating, and resiliency rating. Covering 99% of your choices are latex foam, visco foam, and reflex polymer.
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Ive done a litte looking around and reading, but does anyone know of a website or forum that deals with this sort of thing so I can educate myself before I drop the $$

Your suggestions are much appreciated
Has anybody by any chance tried the Novaform mattress toppers or in particular the Novaform Choices model that is sold at Costco?
I got the 3" 5lbs or whatever the density was, bed topper and its great. I also bought a pair of memory foam queen size pillows from Ebay too.
I could never get used to a full memory foam mattress but after putting a 2 inch topper on a fairly firm normal mattress I was very happy. A bit of a pillowtop effect with enough support underneath.
The Novaform "Choices" has 2.5" memory foam on one side and a soft billowy coating on the other side so I guess you can choose. I'm wondering if you sleep on the soft side, if you'll feel the soft side effects with the novafoam support underneath. I'm trying to find user reviews on that particular model.
I wanted to revive this thread a bit. After not being able to take a very old, hard mattress with a spring driving me in the back anymore, I went the opposite and got a Sealy from Sears with a "Euro-pillow top". While initially feeling nice and soft, I find my butt sinking way down or my pelvic area if I lay on my stomach and it's making my lower back a bit sore, particularly when laying on my stomach. I'm trying to decide on whether to return it and eat the restocking fees or try a different topper such as a memory foam. I would think those toppers would be to make a hard bed softer, not the other way around.