Anyone worried about this?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
Getting a lot of coverage. I'm not sweating it in my area…

Things are at a tragically-interesting pass, geopolitically speaking. All we can do is be awake to the possibilities and aware of how they might effect us.

Most users here appear to be intelligent, forward-thinking individuals who value self-sufficiency to a greater or lesser extent, and that goes a long ways towards mitigating anything the outside world might throw at us.

That said, keep your batteries charged…
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I'm sure "ragers" will be ragers, wherever they are. They've just gotten a request for so-called "jihad" ... a religious war, effectively garnering God's sanction for any damned thing (including murder of any target) they do. Not that they need that excuse, but it's sure to compel a few of the true believers to lash out at others.

Not that worried, though the head's on a more-active swivel for awhile. Never know what hole such people are going to pop out of. But I figure it's more likely with a supposed "holy" sanction for such despicable acts.
Locked and loaded here in Oregon.

Zeroed in 24" barrel 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action, just a few days ago.
Did it at 260 yards {via range finder}

With that barrel, 6.5 Creedmoor will fly flat for another 200 yards past that.
I'm more concerned about what might happen there than here in the US. A million people are being evacuated. That's usually a sign that whatever is planned next isn't good. Unfortunately, it's a giant sh*t sandwich and we're all going to have to take a bite.

Zeroed in 24" barrel 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action, just a few days ago.
Did it at 260 yards {via range finder}

With that barrel, 6.5 Creedmoor will fly flat for another 200 yards past that.
My first thought was... NO it won't. So I had to check.

Between 200 and 400 yards it will drop an additional 19 inches.
Between 300 and 500 yards it will drop an additional 32 inches.
Here's my source.

With any bullet, the farther out you go, the faster it will drop at a rate of 32 feet per second squared.
The gaza strip is only 24 miles long. One can hike that far in a day, or almost, but that is from the tippy top to the very bottom. Looking at the map they want to evac the top 25-30%. The evacuees can stay in country and only have to move at most 7 miles. That's from the tippy top. Many only need to go a mile or two. Eventually they will have to move further south, but the immediate need is to get out of the way of the oncoming Israelis.
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