Flashlight Enthusiast
Getting a lot of coverage. I'm not sweating it in my area…
+Locked and loaded here in Oregon.
Not an easy task.. All neighboring countries have closed there borders including Egypt. So they take a million people, wearing nothing but rags, form a humongous corridor, and exodus where, into the Mediterranean?A million people are being evacuated.
Where indeed!? If recent history is an indicator……Not an easy task.. All neighboring countries have closed there borders including Egypt. So they take a million people, wearing nothing but rags, form a humongous corridor, and exodus where, into the Mediterranean?
NYCWhere indeed!? If recent history is an indicator……
It's from CBS. Which stands for Credibility B___ S___.
My first thought was... NO it won't. So I had to check.+
Zeroed in 24" barrel 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action, just a few days ago.
Did it at 260 yards {via range finder}
With that barrel, 6.5 Creedmoor will fly flat for another 200 yards past that.