Anyone else SICK & TIRED of hearing about "AI"??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
Man, enough already. I can't remember the last time any tech thing was relentlessly hyped this much. On a photography site that I visit, today, out of the first 10 articles, 4 of them were about AI. Forty percent of the articles, and on a photography site!! Not even a computer/software tech site!!

It seems like it's in everything I read online now. I don't think even I-phones have been relentlessly publicized this much.
Not too much for me since it is easy to pass it by. A person can learn how others think when they make pronouncements, whether it is 'take over the world' or 'not going to change anything' or 'it will make some jobs easier and faster'.

That AI talk is better than the balloon poofery.
Considering how the world is going, AI taking over might be one of the better futures. I'd certainly trust AI more with governance then politicians.
Lets just hope they don't make AI too human. But if they do we probably have nothing to worry about LOL!
In all seriousness, I think advanced super-human AI is probably a normal "evolutionary" step in most technological civilizations. There is only so much our ape brains can come up with & I think we are approaching that limit fast. Who is to say if humans are even smart enough to solve FTL? There is no theoretical limit as to how smart an AI or a simulation can become. A planet sized computer would have unfathomable computational power even with our current generation semi conductors. Without AI we might hit a technological plateau be stuck with close to current technology & civilization would eventually collapse over and over again in a cyclical manner. So either that, SkyNet or merging with the singularity (AKA transcendence though AI).

Its often been theorized that the lack of aliens might simply be due to them all eventually becoming computer simulations & never even leaving their solar system. After all, why go though the trouble of interstellar travel when you can just simulate the universe without that pesky light speed limit? The ones that don't go the AI route either go extinct or become cyclical civilizations who never make it to the stars.

I think we've already passed the point of no return & for better or for worse AI is here to stay. Whats left is hoping that we aren't going down the SkyNet path.
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Anyone familiar with the librarian in Snow Crash? That's what the present wave of AI reminds me of.

My impression of ChatGPT is that after but a few months of limited release it's becoming apparent that what we're being shown of it is ... less than the hype would have us believe. The language model is impressive and the depths of information upon which it can draw is immense. But it's also not quite the semi-sentient thing that it's been proclaimed to be, but rather a sophisticated distillation engine that can parse years of training data to deliver a highly refined derivative summary of what the past thought about the subject then refine the inquiry further upon request.

Stable Diffusion seems to work in a similar fashion, visually.

I suspect that the dependence on vast quantities of open training data - and the need to continuously refresh it - may lead to a feedback loop as its own outputs seed the web and start to become inputs.
I loved his song eat it and his movie uhf
I met him once. Really humble guy.

Anyway, back to the AI topic - I saw an ad for a company that's already claiming to have an A/I radio personality service. They claim it can replace human DJs. I hope it never comes to this, although if it does come to pass, the on-air screw-ups should be hysterical.

Once the term AI is used up, it'll just be renamed Quantum Learning or something


I'm so sick of hearing about AI and more specifically I'm so sick of my YouTube feed being filled with 2 -5 minute videos about "Elon Musk's Frightening Warning" when I don't even ever watch that kind of content, which 99.999% of is just click bait trash anyways.

I just get a kick out of all the people freaking out over AI, "omg it's asking for nuclear codes!" Etc etc...

Soooo... You're saying that the synthesized human brain is thinking/acting like ...a human being? 🤔 Hmmm... Sounds like a success then, I mean in their eyes??

Point is, IM SICK AND TIRED of hearing about AI...

So naturally, let's open up a conversation about it at one of the few remaining places where it currently is not being discussed..:crackup:Lol if ya can't beat em join em right?
Considering how the world is going, AI taking over might be one of the better futures. I'd certainly trust AI more with governance then politicians.
Lets just hope they don't make AI too human. But if they do we probably have nothing to worry about LOL!
AI sucks. My wife is a Professor and since the program turned on, Microsoft I believe, this semester, Fall of 2023, she has had numerous AI generated college papers turned in. She busts them hard, She can point out nearly every AI reference and makes recordings with video showing the paper and where the mistakes were made and how to correct it. She is very dedicated. Then they have a second chance, if they get busted, she makes another elaborate recording and instructs them to truth, then the grade is harsher. Then a 3rd time, they are sent to the Dean for discipline. Sorry Data, you are wrong here. It is NEVER better than mankind and those that learned material and share it with others. The dumbing down of the USA is real and I cannot stand to see it. Remember the comedy made about it? 100% true. Sickening really.