Anyone worried about this?

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I've had my 9mm KelTec S2kv3 & 100rd+in high cap mags in my back pack since crime rates started peaking in the area. With it I can control a radius of 150yds+, doing head shots. Split times at the last match I took it to was under .2 sec @ 25yds on 6" steel plates; I used 126 shots to hit 125 plates & my total time was under 22secs including reloads. I was 2nd place finisher
Some Palestinians are Christians.
Don't tell the F.B.I. that. They'll focus their search on Republican Christian Palestinians at school board meetings who don't want boys in skirts raping girls in the women's restrooms. Best to let them keep watch for an actual threat.
Are there a lot of Palestinians in Idaho? Idaho seems like a very odd, out of the way place for Hamas to attack. I wonder how many Hamas we have here in the US. Of course, with the border as porous as it is, it is impossible to know. Thanks Biden.
And just in case Hamas did get a wild hair. The Idaho Air National Guard has these babies stationed 13 miles away. They fly over my town 3-4 times a week.

That platform is to hold the 30mm Minigun on the front, plus lots-o-ammo ^^^^
a flying 30mm Cuisinart

up to 3,900 rounds per minute


just the other day I was talking about a 6.5mm Creedmoor to put into perspective

That platform is to hold the 30mm Minigun on the front, plus lots-o-ammo ^^^^
a flying 30mm Cuisinart

up to 3,900 rounds per minute


just the other day I was talking about a 6.5mm Creedmoor to put into perspective
I think that they use depleted uranium bullets too. To make them tank busters.
What an awesome machine.
OK, so we are getting silly.
If Hamas was to attack wouldn't it be by way of uni-bombers?

Wouldn't the most targeted population be the Jewish?
Or any large group of Americans.

So you people, who are living in the outskirts of civilization, packing your firearms, are dreaming of being a hero. I can relate. During 9/11 I drove upstate to bring my mother-in-law down here by us. I put my scoped 308 Sako in the trunk. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe stop on the highway and help out the Troopers who are in a fire-fight. I could pick off the bad guys from a distance of 300-500 yards.

I have known a few Palestinians. They live here and feel that what happened to their country was unjustified. But now they live here. Those that I know, are not about to pick up arms, and try to kill fellow Americans.

Could there be another bin Ladin attack, yeah, but if you have an AR in the trunk of your car, how are you going to stop it?
OK, so we are getting silly.
If Hamas was to attack wouldn't it be by way of uni-bombers?

Wouldn't the most targeted population be the Jewish?
Or any large group of Americans.

So you people, who are living in the outskirts of civilization,
Poppy, the metropolises do not have a monopoly on "civilization". Believe me, there is plenty of civilization in the flyover states. In fact, looking at a road map of my state, it is difficult to find someplace untouched by civilization. I'd love to find somewhere uncivilized to live. I hate being near streets and highways, hearing traffic noise. I hate hearing the trains rumble, on track miles away. I have airplanes and helicopters flying over every day. Ha! I wish I was on the "outskirts of civilization"! Contrary to big city people's opinion, we aren't like the Clampetts, not a bunch of uneducated, inbred backward hicks. We are educated in universities, and those that aren't are still a lot smarter than you think.

packing your firearms, are dreaming of being a hero.
No, you have the wrong idea. That's not why a lot of us pack, although I am sure there are some who do with a hero complex. Some of us grew up with gun toting family members, some families hunting and shooting is a tradition. Some folks just get "into" guns like folks here are "into" flashlights. Others see where the country is headed watching what is happening in the metros on TV, and we just want to be prepared. We are scared to death that what is happening in the big metros will come to our area, too.

I can relate. During 9/11 I drove upstate to bring my mother-in-law down here by us. I put my scoped 308 Sako in the trunk. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe stop on the highway and help out the Troopers who are in a fire-fight. I could pick off the bad guys from a distance of 300-500 yards.

I have known a few Palestinians. They live here and feel that what happened to their country was unjustified. But now they live here. Those that I know, are not about to pick up arms, and try to kill fellow Americans.

Could there be another bin Ladin attack, yeah, but if you have an AR in the trunk of your car, how are you going to stop it?
Poppy, we don't know how to stop it, we just want to be as ready as possible for it if it does happen. You had the same instinct when you put that rifle in your trunk.
If Hamas was to attack wouldn't it be by way of uni-bombers?
It certainly wouldn't be anything like Red Dawn because there's no infrastructure - no safe base of operations nor a large supportive populace to blend into. A brief surprise action committed with high certainty of death or capture is about all that's feasible.

Be aware of what's going on around you, sure, but the odds of an unwanted encounter with a garden-variety miscreant seem considerably higher than a terrorist.

Or any large group of Americans.
If not against a large number of people then a high-visibility target to maximize media coverage.
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Where is 'outskirts of civilization' exactly?

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Oh boy! Did I use the WRONG sentence.
I apologize to anyone I may have offended.
AND I certainly did not intend to infir Red Neck or Hicks.

I was raised in a town with a population density of 62,000 people per square mile.
I now live in a town with a population density of 2,300 people per square mile.
Here we have about 1/5 acre plots of land.

I can't imagine a Hamas uprising here.
I imagine that it would be even more unlikely in an area where the population density is less than 1000 people per square mile.

I think I'll stop now, before I offend more people.
Others see where the country is headed watching what is happening in the metros on TV, and we just want to be prepared. We are scared to death that what is happening in the big metros will come to our area, too.
Really at a loss how "what's happening on TV" is being generalized.

Living in a major metro area (Dallas-Fort Worth being #4) like some 83% of the population in a middling suburb and trekking downtown multiple times a week I've yet to witness these horrors being alluded to. A few of the eateries near my office don't take cash, but that's been an off-and-on thing for some 20 years now. The grocery store near my office seems to have an off-duty sheriff's deputy doing security, but that's something I've also seen at the megalomart in my burb.

2023 will probably see an uptick in homicides in my burb but the stuff making the news is, shall we say, an occupational hazard for those involved in or patronizing the illicit distribution business rather than more vivid random violence.

2020 was a tad exciting with COVID, stay-at-home mandates / mass furlough-ing of the service sector, then George Floyd protests - even a protest in my burb - but that came and went.

Years ago a friend was looking to buy a used car so we spent all day driving around the DFW metro region. An evening 'booking' took us into one of the reputedly bad parts of town. The areas with anything resembling nightlife looked to have the potential to turn sketchy if one played FAFO games, but once you got into residential neighborhoods - and especially doing something with locals - it was a complete nonissue. Heck, eating at some local places in the general locale during the day as an obvious outsider one was treated quite well.
A) I'm not worried about brown people from the southern border as I know we need workers and know this group, as a whole, is much LESS violent that US citizens we already have. (fact... go look it up, an if you don't believe it, maybe you are part of section "C")

B) I'm not worried about another 9-11, mainly because of 1) cockpit doors and 2) passengers that will fight to live.

C) I _am_ worried about nutjobs that normally would not reach critical mass, but meet other fringe wackos on the net and decide to start something.

D) I've got a neighbor that's _sure_ the 'invasion' of black people will start any day now.

E) I also have someone ~3/4 mile away that fires his full auto gun in his backyard from time to time. How long before either of these sends a stray bullet in the wrong direction.
I don't think it will be anything like 9/11/2001. It would most likely be covert, things like, wildfires/arson, train derailments, attacks on utilities such as water, power, internet, phone, sewer, dams, etc. Something that is very vulnerable to disruption. One would likely be manageable, but numerous attacks, simultaneously over the entire nation, would be devastating. Look at the train derailment at East Palestine, OH. Practice run? Remember the wild fires all over the CONUS, plus Hawaii? Imagine if that was orchestrated.
I'm more worried about the war in Israel and it's ramifications. Looks to be possibly the war mentioned in Psalm 83 of the Bible. This means Lebanon and Jordan will join the fight. Likely ending with the prophesy in Isaiah 17 of Damascus being destroyed by fire in one night (probably nuked by the description). Then we have Zechariah 9 mentioning the king of Gaza being killed, the Palestinians resorting to canabalism, and Jews will be looking for the return of Christ. Part of the prophesy was fulfilled over 2000 years ago. They may end up receiving the Antichrist instead. Then there's Isaiah 11:14-16 which describes this war as well but adds the drying up of the Euphrates River and the Gulf of Aqaba. That leads to Revelation 9:13-21 and Ezekiel 38. These passages discuss the Russian and Iranian invasion of Israel with an army of 200 million mounted troops. The Euphrates River is dried up right before the battle of Armageddon.
When the Palestinian protesters are yelling "from the River to the sea", they are saying they want to drive the Israelis all into the ocean and kill them via genocide. It does scare me that we have terrorist cells in the U.S. from Iran planning their next attacks and still have open borders. It scares me that sanctions were eased allowing our oil money to go to Iran. It scares me that all the weapons lost in Afghanistan and some sold on the black market meant for Ukraine might be getting used by Hamas or smuggled across the U.S. border to use against us while our leaders are trying to marginalize our second amendment rights. It scares me that I can't trust my own government to be on the side of it's citizens when they're actions yell treason.
Agree with your second paragraph.
I don't think it will be anything like 9/11/2001. It would most likely be covert, things like, wildfires/arson, train derailments, attacks on utilities such as water, power, internet, phone, sewer, dams, etc. Something that is very vulnerable to disruption. One would likely be manageable, but numerous attacks, simultaneously over the entire nation, would be devastating. Look at the train derailment at East Palestine, OH. Practice run? Remember the wild fires all over the CONUS, plus Hawaii? Imagine if that was orchestrated.
I believe they are all coordinated. The Canadian wildfires as well.
Look at the train derailment at East Palestine, OH. Practice run?
Or the simpler explanation for which evidence abounds - an inevitable outcome of the railroads' unhealthy obsession with cutting costs.

Remember the wild fires all over the CONUS, plus Hawaii?
Wildfire season is a thing in the west. Between the likes of the Colorado River refusing to honor the terms of the Colorado River Compact and Southern California Edison's prioritization of dividends over preventative maintenance they're on the rise.

Imagine if that was orchestrated.
G. Gordon Liddy penned such a thing nearly 35 years ago. Only in the last few years has the electrical grid suffered an uptick in sabotage; the suspects are looking decidedly domestic in those cases.
The Norfolk Southern terrorist group is sabotaging us by lengthening the maintenance schedule. Or maybe they just cut costs anywhere they can in order to show a profit every three months, instead of strengthening the company for the long haul (thanks Jack Welch).
East Palestine train disaster was caused by a bad wheel bearing, not enough man power on the train, and the corporate mindset of pushing it to the limit unless beset by a tragedy.
... the corporate mindset of pushing it to the limit unless beset by a tragedy.

You and I do this also... generally speaking we shop where the price is the lowest... regardless of the long-term consequences to ourselves and others.

How do you think wal-mart got so large? If people never shopped there, they would have gone bust in Arkansas.
The Norfolk Southern terrorist group is sabotaging us by lengthening the maintenance schedule. Or maybe they just cut costs anywhere they can in order to show a profit every three months, instead of strengthening the company for the long haul (thanks Jack Welch).
East Palestine train disaster was caused by a bad wheel bearing, not enough man power on the train, and the corporate mindset of pushing it to the limit unless beset by a tragedy.
I would not discount the possibility of saboteurs in the employ of the railroads. Sleepers/moles would definitely give an enemy a major advantage.
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