Anyone Identify This 18650 Cell?


Jan 21, 2007
Ed, Ab
Im hoping someone can give me some details on this cell. I was able to salvage 6 of them from my laptop today. The numbers dont really show anything useful on google. I'm thinking the capacity is 2000 mah. One site indicated a similar cell was protected but I'm not sure about these ones. The positive side is white under purple wrap if that helps. I was hoping to use the magnet trick to make it a button cell if they will be safe to use. I'll be honest my lithium ion knowledge is limited.
That's disappointing. I was hoping they might at least be brand name cells re-wrapped. I guess Ill have to treat them like typical chinese crap and assume they are not protected. Thanks for the reply.
That's disappointing. I was hoping they might at least be brand name cells re-wrapped. I guess Ill have to treat them like typical chinese crap and assume they are not protected. Thanks for the reply.
Laptop cells are never protected, they have protection/balancing circuitry connected to them. The cells may be ok, but possibly overrated although 2000mah isn't a huge number chances are decent they may actually be up to that spec vs 4000mah ones.
The Chinese "can" make just as good of stuff as anyone else now, but too often they don't bother for quality rather interested in profit and aren't against inflating numbers to get an extra few bucks now and then.
I got a cheap chinese cell with a fan I bought. I wasn't expecting it though it was extra and only measured at about 1200mah which isn't useful to me as I have a bunch of 2000mah or higher batteries already from laptop battery salvaging.

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