Anyone remember the LaCrosse BC-900 fix?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 7, 2004
Southern California
Lookoing to pre-emptively fix my LaCrosse BC-900 V32 charger before any problems develop, I looked up the old thread by CPFer nikiwind on the subject which says soldering a capacitor to the board will make it more reliable.

Unfortunately, the pictures showing where to solder the capacitor have since been deleted, so I'm at a loss. Nikiwind does not seem to be around anymore, so does anyone have those pictures showing the board after the fix (or a description of where to solder the capacitor) available so I can make the upgrade?

Warning Large Pictures - Slow.

I can still pull up the pictures in this post:

Edit: hmmm: I see a problem - Opera (my Browser) shows the pictures while MS IE shows little boxes.
If you are using MS IExplorer right click on each box - drop down to "properties" - click on that, then copy (Crrl+C) the image hosting address (URL). Now open a new window and paste (Ctrl+V) into the hosting Address and the image should appear. I have a VERY slow connection otherwise I'd email them to you. If you still can't get them give me a shout and a few days and I'll try to send them.

The properties should look like this:
- see without the
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Thanks for the help Elliot. Unfortunately, my normal browser (Firefox doesn't show anything in those spaces to select. IE does show the boxes with X's in them, but getting their properties (for me) only gets the URL of the parent CPF thread, nothing referring to a hosting site.

Is it possible you could post or PM me the URLs you picked off for those pictures? Then I could get to them directly.

Thanks for the try.

Good stuff Bones: That shows a gallery of all his BC-900 pictures nerdgineer.:twothumbs