Anyone use the Nite Ize Clicky on MiniMag


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2008
I just got one of these from Battery Junction. Fit and finish is good on a MiniMag AA, screws down tight and the button action isn't bad for what it costs. It's a five function switch with one annoying trait.

They put a red LED in the smoke clear dome of the switch and market it as a "find your flashlight in the dark beacon". The LED flashes about every 5 seconds regardless of where you have the head twisted.

Seems like a waste of battery. Anyone else feel the same or care to steer my opinion with another view?


If you are talking about the IQ switch, I have one. On mine, if you lock the head down, the locater feature is shut off. But, even if it was on, as far as wasting batteries, the flashing red light should easily be able to run 6 months I would think.

As I recall, others have stated the IQ switch has a lot of resistance though, that was the biggest downfall.

Since you posted in the Incan forum, are you using this with a stock bulb? That isn't really what it is meant for.
I have one but it sits in my parts box. I use the Terralux clicky on my Minimag.
Well, I guess the IQ switch can be used with the incan bulb, though I never thought of it that way.

I am thinking I have read that it isn't good to dim an incan, something to do with deposits inside the glass envelope of the bulb.

Well, whichever it was, my main point was that mine does shut off when locking the head.
Just turn the head tight, the locater flash will go out, then turn the head back out - the light will be ready to come on with the first click but you won't have the blinker to deal with in between uses.

I seem to remember reading that the resistance is greatest at the bright level but fairly low at the lower levels.

I kind of like them and feel that the blinker could be useful in some situations.
But, even if it was on, as far as wasting batteries, the flashing red light should easily be able to run 6 months I would think.

I agree. I have a light with the IQ Switch that sits on my nightstand and even with intermittent use, I only charge the light every few months. The one serious reservation I have with it is the terrible pulse width modulation, but if you're using it with an incan, I guess that won't be an issue.
I use a Nite-Ize IQ switch on my "power outage" Mini-Mag that I keep on the fridge.It has a TLE-5 Lux I and works fine but output is not a concern for that light.I tried the IQ switch on my TLE-5 CREE and found that I lost too much output to make it worthwhile.The inexpensive TerraLUX switch seems to fit and work the best,it's only single stage though.
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I got my IQ switch in a "kit" with a 1W LED and reflector.

I just got it out and thought man this is DIM!

Changed batteries and no change.

The switch is what it is. PWM in low is a lot like my Fenix LOD Q4.

Hmm... I just got my LOD and this light and aimed both at a fan. This slows the fan down. LOD makes it go backwards.

Flicking my finger in front of both shows very similar results.
LOL :ohgeez:Didn't realize I was in the Incan forum until I submitted my post.Doesn't the IQ switch take away from the output of the incan bulb to the point where it is not practical ? I know the output of my TerraLUX TLE-5 is significantly reduced on the high setting and incandescent Mini-Mags are not that bright to begin with.
Thanks for the education. I turn the head off and twist back on perfect!

Right now I'm on incan and output is dismal. I have the TerraLux LED drop in on order but sounds like I need to go to the Terralux clicky to get full output of that new bulb. Oh well the 5 stages was fun to play with but think I would rather have the max bright if I'm going to pay that much for a bulb for a 10$ light.

I love this hobby!

Thanks again

yeah, the IQ switch is the difference between roughly eighty and 120 lumens on my Terralux-modded minimag. Been meaning to try it with L91 cells and incan, though.
yeah, the IQ switch is the difference between roughly eighty and 120 lumens on my Terralux-modded minimag. Been meaning to try it with L91 cells and incan, though.

Sorry Chrontius, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying with IQ switch you get 80 Lumens and without the IQ switch you get 120 Lumens? If I'm interpreting that correctly what gave you the 120 Lumens.


My IQ switch won't screw down completely on any of my AA MiniMags. I have a MiniMag that I got from my Dad which is probably at least 10 years old, another that's probably 5 years old, and two more that are less a year old. It doesn't fit on any of them.

I got the IQ switch at Target last year on clearance in a 1W upgrade package for $5. At the same time I also got a basic 3 LED upgrade package that came with a simple clicky that fits all of my AA MiniMags.

Any suggestions?
Instead of going with the IQ switch from Nite-Ize, I decided to use the small, forward-clickie that comes with the Nite-Ize 3-LED upgrade kit for the 2AA Mini-Maglite. That switch, plus the Nite-Ize 1watt LED was a good combination.

An even better combination, if you can live with a reverse-clickie switch, is the Nite-Ize 1watt and TerraLux switch for the 2AA Mini-Maglite. The button on the TerraLux switch is bigger and feels sturdier than the Nite-Ize switch I was previously using.

Downside once again is the reverse-clickie operation of the TerraLux switch and the attached lanyard is a joke. Couldn't get it off without scratching the switch a bit. But not a big issue.
The red blinking light from the IQ switch drove my cats crazy. I had to keep the light in a drawer or they would knock the thing around the house. Twisting the head tight, then back a little, does kill the blink. So does loosening the switch then tightening it back up. I figured, what's the point, I only use the light on high power anyways. Plus, if the switch is inefficient and I have to twist the head every time it gets used, then the IQ switch is worthless to me. I ended up putting the original minimag tailcap back on and just using the twist action of the head for turning off and on.
Several years ago, I bought a bunch of simple Kroll clickies. They work fine on MM's, particularly hotrods.
A friend gave me the single mode Nite-Ize switch that was included in a kit containing the 3x5mm LED assembly. The Nite-Ize clicks OK but still feels soft/spongy like the old Ram switch I formerly used. The Ram switch was pretty unimpressive and died rather quickly after a few months of intermitent use with a first gen Terralux 1w side emitter.

I've been using the Nite-Ize for about a month and it gets a workout an average of at least once a day; I hope it holds up better than that Ram switch.

Incidentally, the stock clicky on my wife's first gen Streamlight Jr. Luxeon continues to work great.

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