Anyone wait until it gets dark to work outside?


Dec 3, 2005
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I had a project that I wanted to get done yesterday but wanted to wait until it got dark so I could use my lights. Kinda fun. I wonder what the neighbors thought? I should have taken pics but my camera doesn't do so well at night. My garage is seperate from my house and is off the alley with the yard in between. We just got our house three months ago and I've been trying to do things to cut electricity costs like changing light bulbs over to more efficient fluorescent ones. High up on the back side of the garage was a 400 watt mecury vapor light that goes on for about 10 hours a night. That is about $15 a month and $180 or so a year just to run that. I just got one of those outdoor 13 watt area lights with a photo sensor to put up on the garage. It runs about 50 cents a month or $6 a year.

So, I cut the power, set up my AE powerlight and my 15MCP Thor in the back yard aimed up at the light fixture. Had my PT Apex on and used my Mag 85 in candle mode along with a coleman lantern and my RR LED lantern inside the garage. Felt good to get some use out of a few lights and it was fun. It was much cooler outside at night too, started around 11PM. The 13 watt light says that it puts out as much as a 100 watt incandescent and I'd say thats about true. Not as bright as the other but bright enough to light up the back yard just fine.
We did some night work over at the local college. But there are lights already there for the workers. But it's during the break that we're all out on the lanai and get to "play" with my MagHID and SF.M6. Of course the fellows get kind of carried away and start shining the MagHID through the Yahoo building from across the way!

Anyhou, I did get to use my Tikka headlamp when working in the light difficient rooms I had to paint.

Funny you should ask. I have two horses in my back yard. I clean nearly every day. Often it's at night. I live about 20 miles from the city of Phoenix and the glow from the city is more than enough light to see what I"m doing........ Until my AH neighbors turn on their unshielded floodlight. Once in a while I use my MillerMods Arc AAA. it's small enough to hold in my mouth and have both hands free. the added advantage is that it points where I turn my head so there's always light where I'm looking.
I routinely wait until it gets dark to do pretty much anything. I'm the definition of a night owl. I hate mornings, I feel lazy in the afternoon and I get active and energic only at night.

So yes, I use artificial light more than the average person. I rarely use flashlights just for fun, though. If I'm anywhere where I can plug in a mains-powered light, or flip a switch and turn on the ceiling lamps, why should I use portable lighting?
I wouldn't say that i wait until its "Dark" outside. But i do usually do things pretty late in the evening. Usually around 6PM. Usually the only time i'll do things during the day is during the month's of September, October and sometime's November. As any other time its either too hot during the day (100F-109F) or too cold (34F-44F)

Arizona is not only cruel during the summer its also cruel during the winter:ohgeez:
i wait to take out the trash every sunday night. it probably take me longer to figure out which light is the lucky one, than collecting the trash and putting it out on the curb. you just never know what could happen..
I routinely wait until it gets dark to do pretty much anything. I'm the definition of a night owl. I hate mornings, I feel lazy in the afternoon and I get active and energic only at night.
Same here. There's been times when weeks have gone by that I wasn't out in daylight. I especially like night cycling. Less pollution, and best of all less traffic. The latter is especially nice in a large city. Nothing more annoying than having to stop for a light/pedestrian/double-parked car/bus every time you just reach cruising speed.
I wait until the sun goes down to pick up the apples that drop from my 2 apple trees. The apples attract wasps, so I wait until they go back to their hive to not get stung. I use incan headlamps to find the apples on the ground and pick them up with a fork attached to a rake handle.
I just prefer the dark. It's cool, no sunlight burning my skin, and I can't see those pesky eye floaters swirling around in my vision.