Anyone wish for the P1D to be back?

The P1D was my first light and probably is still my favorite. So yeah I would like to see them back. I don't like the new version though, it looks plain and boring compared to the original. I don't know why they changed the design :shakehead
What's wrong with the PD10 I like it? The P1D is one of the few Fenix light's I have never owned so I don't know how it could be better.
P1D Q5 was the first LED light I purchased shortly after finding this site and doing a little research. It's been a great ride ever since. lovecpf
It has served me well in the past, was a great EDC and work light, but now it's relegated to the BOB.
I kinda like the newer knurled design better though.

Here's an old shot for old times sake.

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I do. I still carry mine on my keychain with diffuser film on the lens.

I do wish I could get mine back after losing it.
It was my first proper LED light. So its kind of frustrating:hairpull:.

Nice batttle scars