Apps for phones?


Dec 18, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I saw a commercial that states "Iphone has more apps then any other phone" or something.

I highly doubt that. Last I saw the Iphone had over 20,000 apps, any Windows mobile phone has over 30,000 programs.

Any one know the number of apps the Iphone has?(that doesn't need a jailbroken phone)

Would what the commercial said be considered false advertisement?
I do have to say that apple knows how to market a product and write a easy to use(abert locked down tight) software.

I mean my PDA(well, ok, not really comparible) has a faster processor, essentially unlimited space and battery power(yay SD and CF cards and swappable batteries), higher resolution screen(touch screen of course), same graphics processor, can probably play more media formats(music and video), goes online and surfs the web(some of my posts here are from my PDA), isn't locked down by a software, and is 3-4 years old(came out 2005). Ok, so it doesn't have a camera, tilt screen, and multi touch, but I'm not shackeled to a nearly $2000 price tag of the Iphone(add the 2 years service) and can still make calls(yay skype and CF sim cards) at a lower cost even new(I got it for $150, new used to be $300 something).

Sorry if I sounded like I'm looking for an arguement. I'm just annoyed at how companies(not just apple) pray on the uninformed, igorant, and gullible general public. I mean, a simple search will show that there are many more probably better options.

How hard would it be to get a well informed public? I know it will be very hard but how hard?
I don't have any numbers, but I think Palm beats them all. Virtually anything that works on a Palm PDA works on a Treo (or Centro) Smartphone as long as it is not a Windows Mobile model.
20,000 apps, yet they only started releasing apps when? Like 6 months ago, if that? How many apps do you think there will be in a year from now? :)

I've had various PDA's and was never thrilled with any of them. I absolutely love my iPhone. Sure other devices may have an advantage here and there, but overall I'm thrilled with the iPhone. I enjoy the unlimited data transfer when I'm on 3G, or Edge. I'm often around WiFi which is even faster. The iPhone can do what I need it to do the most. Email, web browser, AIM, Twitter, etc.

It may not be the best device for everyone, but for many people it's a hoot. :)
More apps because of the popularity of the thing.

I guess what I'm annoyed at is:

1. Potential false advertisement.
2. Fans boasting that it's the best thing since sliced bread and it is completely new.
3. (general statement) Companies praying on the uninformed and ignorant public.

My PDA also does email, web browser, AIM, and twitter at less then 10% the total cost of an Iphone(almost $2000 over 2 years for the Iphone). But if you like your Iphone and use it to it's full potential, great!

For many of the well informed buyers, the Iphone might be great, good starting cost, style, and a easy to use and simple(but locked down) OS. But for most of the general buyers, they would probably be just as happy with something cheaper and more customizable.

All goes back to Apple knowing how to advertise. I mean, how else would they be able to sell old technology and make most people think it's new?
You keep going back that it costs $2,000 for two years. Which is basically $300 for the phone, $40/month for phone service and $30/month for the data plan (unlimited internet service). I already pay $40/month for phone service, so all the iphone will cost me is an additional $30/month which doesn't sound too bad to me.
So, do you get free phone service and internet service with you PDA? if so, then I definitely want what you got. :)
Good point, with a CF sim card phone will depend on the sim card bought. A similar phone with the same service would be similar in cost, not that much lower in price.

I guess the main thing that annoys me is that Apples' ads can sometimes be misleading("It Just Works"? Not from my experience, more apps, not right now, unless they define "apps" as an apple only thing).

Skype to skype is free and so is WiFi at many places. Skype to phone is a usually around a cent or two per minute.

I guess with everything it might be $1000 max total, $150 for the PDA, $60-100 for CF sim card adaptor(not the most pretty thing) sim card with service for my uses(mostly WiFi, so I won't need cell phone often), $100 for a 16gb SD card and a 32 gb CF card(48gb total), or a few SD cards, almost all of my games and programs either came with the PDA/pocketpc(WS office mobile, a few games, remote desktop, and so on), are freeware(emulators, Opera Mobile, many of the other games, WVD for online videos, PDF viewer, Skype, instant messaging for AIM, google, yahoo, and more, tuner, and so on). A few things I did have to pay for like Novii(remote control for TV and such, fun to mess around in class with and also makes it an almost universal remote). Of couse, some of them are also available for Iphone.

I just don't like how the Iphone marketed as revoluntary when it doesn't have new technology(Multi touch has actually been around for a while, camera phones too and tilt sensors in PDAs and phones) and has actually lowered the standard in some reguards(for similar phones), no swappable battery(what if you run out of power on a long car, bus, plane trip? Ok, not all phones have this but many do), limited storage(no SD, MicroSD, or any expansion slots), and some software limitations(cut a paste?). It's a good product with great ads, but it could have been a great product with great ads.
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I counted just over 15,000 apps on the app store last night. While I do like my windows CE PDA it doesn't do anything online including Skype unless you are in range of a WiFi net. The cost of my iPhone is no different than say a blackberry on AT&T so I don't see any value to your $2000 argument. A difference I do find between iPhone and CE apps is the cost. Most iPhone apps are anywhere from free to $2.99 or so. Some are more expensive for sure but all of the CE apps I have purchased were way more than $2.99.

The iPhone OS lockdown is typically Apple annoying to me, but then again anyone with half a brain can jailbreak the OS with just a few clicks. If an aledged "false advertising" problem bothers you so much maybe you should contact your local prosecutors consumer fraud unit or do the "my mcdonalds coffee is hot" lawsuit thing.

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