ArcAAA circuit off a D cell?


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
I think I remember seeing this a while back, but can't find it now. Anybody hacked an ArcAAA circuit and powered the LED off a D cell? I'm guessing it'd run forever and then some more. I'm thinking it'd be a great SHTF light.
I'm sorry, I don't know if it would work, but I got the funniest image in my head when you brought it up.

Edit. Why would't it work? It's just a difference of capacity, right?. Say you take a D cell Mag, chop of the last two and a half inches or so giving you a tailcap attached to an empty tube. Thread the inside and machine an adapter that fits an Arc head to the mag body. Make contact with a spring or huge ball of solder or something. Bam, there you go. It's just that simple, right? :poof:

Edit #2. Why stop there? Once you have the 1D body, why not make adapters for other heads? Peak Pacific, CMG Infinity....
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According to the Energizer datasheet, if the input current stayed constant at about 180mA over the battery life (it doesn't), it would run about 70 hours at which time the battery would be around 0.8V.

In reality, since the input current drops as the battery voltage sags, you would probably get double or triple that time with a very long moon-mode tagged on the end.

Thanks, Paul! Yeah, a looooong runtime light like that is what I'm after.

KG, I wasn't thinking fancy machining stuff. I have some of those 1D "survival" lights. They're military surplus and power (dimly) a single incan bulb. I was thinking I could hack some ArcAAA boards, solder some wires to the appropriate contact points in the bulb socket, and run a 5mm LED that way.
If you can disassemble the ARC AAA head, you can get the circuit as follows.

Sorry for crappy pics.
I think someone made a 2C battery tube for the Arc LS ages ago, and some kludgy adapters have been done to run the AAA head on a D cell. Why stop there though? A resistor limited led on a 6v lantern battery would run for months.
:twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs every home should have one of those!
I like that!! Doesn't get any simpler than that, and is along the lines of what I was thinking about - a KISS, long runtime emergency light.
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I'm thinking it'd be a great SHTF light.

Please forgive me, but I couldn't resist mentioning it. On first glance, I thought you said a great STFU light. Hadda' do a double take there.

Now I have a name for a new mod. :laughing: Thanks, green!
well...calling it a light wouldn't be incorrect either
it simply demonstrates to the critics of the design that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE:devil:
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Dood!! ...down to 0.35V, heh? That's friggin' crazy! :thanks:

:thinking: I know the ArcAAA powers up down to 0.8V, but I'm not sure how low it can go after that once it's running. Anybody know?

GreenLED, heres the Joule thief schematic

I dunno, how big of an inductor can you fit in arc?
Anyone know how low does an inova X1 [genII] can go?

I did something similar:
but the footprint is huge...slightly bigger than the size of an AA cell.
My original plan is to make a boost circuit of some sort and run a stock minimag with only 1 AA [boosted to 3V] and make it shine like a regular minimag on new batteries, but unfortunately I think I can only convert 2C mags to 1Cs :ohgeez:
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GreenLED, heres the Joule thief schematic

I dunno, how big of an inductor can you fit in arc?
Anyone know how low does an inova X1 [genII] can go?

Thanks, Illum.

I'm not worried about cramming this into an Arc. I have a couple of lights that look like this and there's plenty of room under the plastic dome:


It'd be nice if I can fit the circuit inside the screw bulb thingy, but I don't have a problem with the circuit just "laying there" under the dome. I'm not worried about making this one look nice, for a change.
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