are all wireless lan cards the same?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i mean the same power because i can barely connect to my router and its just in the next room i have some cheap wireless g card would a better card give me more power?my card now is a realtek8185.also when i updated to the new driver on the Microsoft update sight it made the connection go down to like 3 k a second slower then dial up had to downgrade was wird took me forever to figure it was the driver
1. No, they are not all the same.
2. There isn't a good way to tell which one will have better reception and transmission.
3. If a new driver did it, can you get the older driver? Not being much of a Windows user these days, you'll have to Google how, but you can not only remove a device, but also remove the driver for it, from Device Manager.
4. Ethernet, with RJ45 jacks, and category cable, rocks.
The RangeMax router also performed very well in CNET Labs' range tests, delivering 36.4Mbps at 200 feet,

If you have problems with 20 feet distance perhaps the router or the wlan card needs firmware update.
Try it with a several laptops, is the performance the same?
If you have problems with 20 feet distance perhaps the router or the wlan card needs firmware update.
Try it with a several laptops, is the performance the same?

wow 200 feet is great i thinki it was driver issue only other thing i have is a ps3 but they are known for weak wireless
WiFi is measured in mw. A cheap card will give about 15mw this is basic for built in cards such as laptops. a realy good card will give 300mw which with a good antenae can give you miles of reception. I can connect over a mile away with a dlink 130 usb dongle and a sattelite dish. Thats just pointing it out the window. now if it were up in the air who knows how far I can get.

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