Are Duracell Procells better than normal Duracells?


Apr 14, 2008
Arkansas, USA, Earth
What is the difference between a normal Duracell and their Procell line-up?

I've always preferred Duracell primaries over other brand's primaries - be they lithium, titanium, or otherwise. I've never had a problem with them.

Are the Procells higher capacity, better chemistry, or marketing hype?
As far as I know they are the same as the standard coppertop, just packaged differently for non-retail.
I am not so sure they are the same. In the case of the energizer vs the energizer industrial, they act different at higher loads. The same may be true of Duracell.

Refer to the alkaline shoot out thread:

You can see that in the case of the D size at least, the industrial performs much better at a 1 amp load, over 50% increase in watt hours. In addition there is less voltage sag.

As for AA you can see the Kirklands perform very well for the price. Of course, if you don't have a Costco availible to you that doesn't help much.
I am not so sure they are the same. In the case of the energizer vs the energizer industrial, they act different at higher loads. The same may be true of Duracell.

Refer to the alkaline shoot out thread:

You can see that in the case of the D size at least, the industrial performs much better at a 1 amp load, over 50% increase in watt hours. In addition there is less voltage sag.

As for AA you can see the Kirklands perform very well for the price. Of course, if you don't have a Costco availible to you that doesn't help much.

Keep in mind that most of the data in the Alkaline Shootout is pretty far out of date. Manufacturers typically make significant changes to cell design and chemistry one (or more) times per year. Data that is 2 to 4 years old is not necessarily indicative of the performance of currently produced cells.
I have a vague memory of procell and duracell's standard alkaline batteries being identical according to duracell's own datasheets...
Keep in mind that most of the data in the Alkaline Shootout is pretty far out of date. Manufacturers typically make significant changes to cell design and chemistry one (or more) times per year. Data that is 2 to 4 years old is not necessarily indicative of the performance of currently produced cells.

Well that is pretty tricky of them since I have been using it to base my purchases on.
Well that is pretty tricky of them since I have been using it to base my purchases on.

On the plus side, they generally make changes that improve performance.

If you ever see (American) manufacturer claims on a package of cells with regards to "lasts as long as" or similar, you can believe them. Duracell, Energizer, and Rayovac all test each other's products extensively, and litigate if claims aren't borne out by their own independent testing.
That's good, but then #'s can be manipulated to mean most anything. Yes, brand X may outlast brand Y at .25 amps draw, but not at .5 or more, etc. A question that comes to mind is would you still benefit from the same warranty in a pro grade cell vs a consumer?
I used to purchase them both for a large retailer. They are the same thing, one in a brown box, another in retail clam packs. Same thing. You would be amazed how much glossy packaging costs.

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