Are Duraloops no more???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2007
I have been looking for these at Target ever since their sale ended a few weeks ago. The stores are slowly getting stock back, but all I have seen of new stock is the Rayovac made models. Has anybody seen new stock of the Sanyo made Duracell LSD's?? I have a rain check for 4 packs, and they do not seem to be around anymore. :confused: I will probably still buy a few packs anyway, but am curious.
I've found Duraloops at 3 different Krogers in the Memphis area in the last couple of days. They're price is a bit over $14 for a pack of 4.

If you don't have Krogers in your area, try whatever grocery chain you've got. Maybe you'll get lucky.

I've found Duraloops at 3 different Krogers in the Memphis area in the last couple of days. They're price is a bit over $14 for a pack of 4.

If you don't have Krogers in your area, try whatever grocery chain you've got. Maybe you'll get lucky.


Thanks, but those cost more than actual Eneloops. I can get Eneloops at Wolf Camera for 11.99 for a 4 pack. Maybe they are still being made, but the Target stores here are not getting them.
I found some of the Duracell Smart Chargers at Safeway for $23 and they come with 2 AA Duraloops (white tops). The chargers work pretty good. Some people compained about the smell, but I only noticed it when I get close to them and when the batteries get warm near end of charge. It dissipates in a couple days.
Regrettably, we have no way of knowing whether Duracell is still sourcing their pre-charged cell from both Japan and China.

However, I'm hopeful they've noticed the increasing preference for the re-badged Eneloop, especially on sites like eBay, where more and more vendors are specifically stating their cells are made in Japan, and they'll respond accordingly if they're now sourcing all their pre-charged cells from China.

Meanwhile, it might be prudent to hold off utilizing your rain-check as long as possible. Even if Duracell is no longer sourcing them, there may still be Duraloops in the supply chain. If not, the made in China cells will still be there.
I was at Costco today and they had black top Duracell pre-charged (China) in a pack with a charger, and white top Duraloops (Japan) in a pack with 8 AA and 2 AAA.
I recently won an eBay auction for 16 Duracell pre-charged AAA's. All new, in 4 packs. Turned out to be 3 packs of Duraloops, and one pack of Durahybrids. Not too shabby for $14 and change, shipped.
The Von's (aka Safeway) across the street from my house had a few packs of AA white top Duraloops a couple weeks ago. They were on sale for about $8 per pack so I bought all they had. Their regular price is about $14. Their AAA batteries were the same price but were the black top model (Durahybrids?).

I've also seen the white top Duraloops at CVS also priced at $14 per pack.

They're out there...but if you can find Eneloops for $12 per pack, that's the best price you'll find unless you're lucky and catch a sale like the one I did. I recently hunted high and low for Eneloops and the cost was about $14-15 everywhere I found them.
My closest target store still has a few packs of AAA Duraloops but after the big sale a few weeks back they have restocked the AA's with black tops. The charger sets are all packaged with black tops also. The only place I can still find Duraloops is at best buy for around $17 for a 4 pack and CVS for around $14 a 4 pack. I think the higher price is why they are still in stock. Lots of dust on the ones at BestBuy

My guess is Duracell Quit purchasing from Sanyo and contracted with Rayovac for less money and making a bigger profit.
I was at Costco today and they had black top Duracell pre-charged (China) in a pack with a charger, and white top Duraloops (Japan) in a pack with 8 AA and 2 AAA.

Presuming they're new to Costco's inventory, the addition of this 10 cell 'Duraloop' bundle could be a promising development towards its continuing availability from Duracell. It would be especially promising if the fact that the bundle contains the re-badged Eneloop in lieu of the hybrid variant was by specific agreement between Costco and Duracell.

In fact, could the inclusion of the re-badged Eneloop instead of the hybrid variant represent a concession from Duracell in consideration of Costco electing to carry the re-badged Eneloop from Duracell in lieu of the real thing?

Additional details such as the model number of the charger and the respective prices of the changer bundle and 10 cell bundle would be appreciated.
In fact, could the inclusion of the re-badged Eneloop instead of the hybrid variant represent a concession from Duracell in consideration of Costco electing to carry the re-badged Eneloop from Duracell in lieu of the real thing?

Additional details such as the model number of the charger and the respective prices of the changer bundle and 10 cell bundle would be appreciated.
I can't recall the price on the charger bundle, but the white top 6xAA 4xAAA Made In Japan Duracell bundle is $24.99 CDN.

The 6xAA 2xAAA Eneloop bundle in comparison is only $17.99.

LOL...Thanks but that is too much trouble to go through! I bought two more packs of actual Eneloops over the weekend, so I am good for now anyway. I will just get the black top ones if they do not get any more in before my rain check expires in Nov. I have used Rayovac LSD's and they work great, so I do not think there a big diff anyway.
"Did you catch the cost of the 8AA/2AAA set?"

$19.99 at my local Costco.

That's good to know. I'll check out my local Costco for them.

I found three 4-packs of Duraloops yesterday at Kroger on sale for 11.xx per package. Bought all three. That will stoke a Fivemega 12AA holder for one of my multi-Cree M@gs. :naughty:
I hope I'm misunderstanding those suggestions......

In my experience at least, CPF has always been a place where honor and fair dealing are the norm. That is one of the things I have most enjoyed about it during my time here.

So, like I said, maybe I just misunderstood.
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