Are there any aa's to c adaptors in series


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 24, 2007
I know they make these in D size, are there any in c size to use in a cutdown c cell maglite.
I have been looking for the same thing and have had no luck, although their was a guy on the forums that was starting to make some for "D" cells so maybe he will do the "C" cells too.
You won't be able to fit more than one AA (14x50mm) is the space of a C (25x50mm). Multiple AAA's fit in a C, and many lights use 3 AAA's in series in a battery carrier, but I've never seen such a carrier sold alone. AA->C adapters are available (Sanyo's giving them away with the purchase of Eneloops), but that probably won't help you.
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