Are there any special rechargeable flashlights that can alsorun on regular batteries?

prof student

Nov 14, 2007
Question: can any of the typical rechargeable flashlights ALSO run on regular batteries (i.e. AA, cr123)? By rechargeable, I do NOT mean interchangeable alkaline & rechargable AA, RCR123, etc.... I mean flaslights that have their OWN type of battery: i.e......

I have a SL Strion, Stinger XT, SL 20X.

The only one I have seen that can be rigged that way, but require some assembly/disassembly are some of the Surefire ones. BUT, ideally, it would be great if the light could run on AA and/or, doesnt need any additional tubes. Might be a long shot, but figured I would ask. Thanks.

Thanks for the help.
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Re: Rechargeable flashlights using regular batteries?

well, i was looking for some that wouldnt require major remod.
Re: Are there any rechargeable flashlights that can run on regular batteries?

You can usually run a flashlight that takes AA's or CR123's on the proper rechargable cell setup. You just have to take the cells out and recharge them in a external charger.
Re: Are there any rechargeable flashlights that can run on regular batteries?

Although I don't konw of any offhand, I don't see why it isn't possible. For example, I have several radios that hold multiple NiMH AAs, with a wall-wart charger, but optoinally allow you to flip a switch (presumably to disable the charging functionality) and run on alkalines.
seems I miss the point :thinking:
could You please again give Your pov, why a light that can handle both alkaline/rechargeable AAs, or CR123s/CR123as, does not fall into this quest, or is worse?

PS: what SF can run on its own batt stick AND batteries?
ok, here goes.....

MY SL Strion, Stinger XT, etc..... ALLLLL have their own rechargeable batteries. Well, lets say, you are in a storm, power is out, AND you never did recharge your battery . ARE there any flaslights that have their own battery, to where you can some how fit AA, or 123 batteries in the flashlight to power it??

I am NOT saying, using AA & rechargeable AA. DUH! of course those are interchangeable, lol. Please reread the original post, or just this one. Thanks.
ok, here goes.....

MY SL Strion, Stinger XT, etc..... ALLLLL have their own rechargeable batteries. Well, lets say, you are in a storm, power is out, AND you never did recharge your battery . ARE there any flaslights that have their own battery, to where you can some how fit AA, or 123 batteries in the flashlight to power it??

I am NOT saying, using AA & rechargeable AA. DUH! of course those are interchangeable, lol. Please reread the original post, or just this one. Thanks.

Pila and Wolf Eyes kind of have their OWN rechargeable batteries, technically, they have their own company names on them.....

....and they take 123's.
To simplify things:

It is rare and somewhat difficult to have a usually rechargeable flashlight also be able to take "regular" cells"


It is extremely easy and cheap to take a flashlight that usually runs on "regular" batteries and just swap the cells so that it also uses rechargeables.
ok, here goes.....

MY SL Strion, Stinger XT, etc..... ALLLLL have their own rechargeable batteries. Well, lets say, you are in a storm, power is out, AND you never did recharge your battery . ARE there any flaslights that have their own battery, to where you can some how fit AA, or 123 batteries in the flashlight to power it??

I am NOT saying, using AA & rechargeable AA. DUH! of course those are interchangeable, lol. Please reread the original post, or just this one. Thanks.

So basically you're asking for a light designed to use a battery pack (which is just a couple of NiCad/NiMH cells put together in shrink wrap for the lights you listed) with special contacts which can also use alkalines which don't have special contacts? I don't know of any, but moreover I have no idea what you'd want such a thing... it's much better to charge cells individually anyway, so a rechargable battery stick is a step backwards, regardless.
So basically you're asking for a light designed to use a battery pack (which is just a couple of NiCad/NiMH cells put together in shrink wrap for the lights you listed) with special contacts which can also use alkalines which don't have special contacts? I don't know of any, but moreover I have no idea what you'd want such a thing... it's much better to charge cells individually anyway, so a rechargable battery stick is a step backwards, regardless.[/quote

Because, let's just say that for whatever reason, the only light you have with you, is one that has its own rechargeable battery & it runs out. Well, wouldn't you like to be able to somehow drop in some regular batteries (spacer, added body/tube - or whatever is needed) & have the flashlight working again? I have a SL Strion, XT, 20X but am looking to buy another as such, if it exists.
It might be feasible, especially with lights that use packs of standard-sized cells (C, D, etc.). For example, I have a hunch that the MagCharger uses D NiCads. It'd be much harder in lights that use special configurations (as opposed to a single inline stick) and/or cell sizes that aren't produced as primaries, like SubCs. Overall, I think it'd be much easier to just buy an emergency flashlight for emergency use and let the rechargeable (with proprietary NiCad packs) lights stick to frequent, "duty" use.
The Lummi Alu Raw is shipped with a RCR2 cell as standard. If you ever get stuck, you can always use a regular CR2. Only provides 40 lumens though, rather than the 160 of the Li-ion cell.
Since you haven't picked up your other light yet, you might want to rethink your problem. If you instead got a light that ran on regular primaries and got yourself a charger/rechargeable, you would be able to do what you're thinking of.

Another less practical solution would be to find a way to recharge your current rechargeable light whan the power is out. You could either get a car charger or a booster pack/inverter that would give you power whenever you needed it.
another tread I am doing this (and know in advance what the reaction will be) :rolleyes:

keep the lights as shelf queens, or possibly for short time bursts to be "better off" than "with that led light"
(with short use You will learn, that an actual led light seems brighter than those Streamlights mentionned).
Get a Fenix L2D and You have Your light that runs on both alkalines and rechargeables.
Brighter for double the time and offering WAY MORE time of lower power light (which is needed in real flashlight use).
Its also much smaller and thus easier to pocket.

You sure dont think this is any good advice, but for me it is.
Atm I am using an 18650 Cree multilevel light and it is much better than my Scorpion 18650 (= output like Strion, as using Strion bulb), my 8X and 9N. Way smaller, 2.5 hours on full power and programmable multilevel (Flupic)
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Question: can any of the typical rechargeable flashlights ALSO run on regular batteries (i.e. AA, cr123)? By rechargeable, I do NOT mean interchangeable alkaline & rechargable AA, RCR123, etc.... I mean flaslights that have their OWN type of battery: i.e......

Streamlight Survivor LED
Has its own Battery pack & charger, but can be used with 4AA
ok, here goes.....

MY SL Strion, Stinger XT, etc..... ALLLLL have their own rechargeable batteries. Well, lets say, you are in a storm, power is out, AND you never did recharge your battery . ARE there any flaslights that have their own battery, to where you can some how fit AA, or 123 batteries in the flashlight to power it??

I am NOT saying, using AA & rechargeable AA. DUH! of course those are interchangeable, lol. Please reread the original post, or just this one. Thanks.
Pelicans can do so. They are some of my favorite lights, cradle recharge, and can be used with reg alk batts at need. Not the brightest lights but very good, well made lights.

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