I'm working on a project, and I connected 6 SSC P4 stars in series. HOWEVER, when I connect power to the loop, the first 2 leds do not light up, the 3rd one flickers a little and hte last 3 come on medium brightness. When I bypass the first 2 leds, the last 4 come on strong. I took a multimeter and it says the first 3 leds are direct shorts. But, when i hooked each led up to a 3V source, the 1st one flickers one everytime you touch the power, but goes out. The 2nd onward seem to come on fine. I'm very confused about what is going on here. Are 3 of them fried? All I did was connect each led up to a 18650 battery momentarily to check it was good. How could that have hurt the first 3 leds, but not the last 3?! Why would it read the 2nd led as a direct short, but it still seems to work? The only thing I can think of is that I damaged the first 3 somehow with the 18650, or that pack was bad. I got 2 packs of 3 each and the first 3 were from the same pack. But this too seems unlikely because i bought them from the same source, so i'm sure all 6 were in line on the reel and just cut into segments of 3 to fit the box better. I'm very confused.