Are you flashy or practical...

Depending on the ocasion, Novatac 120P holstered in the belt , and a DD K2 TFFC modded KL1/VG2 body powered by a single 17670 , on the fanny pack. For lighter travel or dress , Orb Raw Cree.
Practical. It's not like I bought a McLux Ti PD so OTHER people can be impressed with it.

I only have one really "flashy" light, and that's my Milky E1L... a cool 220 lm OTF.
As far as looks, I think practical. Light output, a little of both. Currently I have a black KL4 head with a warm white J bin MC-E on an E1E-BK with an E1B clip and a flat 2 stage Aleph tailcap (that was a mouthful). A practical ow most of the time, with a flashy bright if I need it, and I love the tint.
It depends on what you mean by flashy. Flashy for others or flashy for purely design. Does carrying a beat up e2e in a holster for all to see count as flashy or practical? I don't know, but my current Mon to Fri lights are a Ti PD-S in my briefcase and a Photon II on my keychain in my pocket. Far ends of each extreme but I doubt if any else knows I have them. Except you fine people, that is.
For me, I err on the side of practical. UK Vizion and a cheap $3 9-LED 3-AAA light in my backpack,while my Arc AA lives in my pants pocket.Nothing too fancy,as I wouldn't want anything to get stolen.
At least 1 practical and 1 flashy.

Usually 4 practical and 1 flashy.......... :grin2: or 5, never more than 12 oh no! That time I had 18 does not count!
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Practical .... Novatac 120T with a 17670 tube and a Nitecore D10 on my keys
i own plenty of flashy lights, but i usually carry a practical light on my person. when it comes down to it when i need light in a dark area i want it to work. i mean common whats the point of having a pretty light if you cant see it.

my EDC lights are not always the brightest in my collection but they make up for it by being reliable & robust, with a decent runtime of at less 2hours for just-in-case situations. & more importantly don't take up too much space or weight. ;)
Practical - at least I think it's practical. I carry an e1b and two spare batteries in my bag.
Real practical

Always the L1 Cree in my pocket/spare cell/Vic Soldier

When I wear the M1 pouch it has a E2L outdoorsman single speed/spare cells you know for those Cloverfield nights

and on the nightstand/headboard my old L1 for that low & slow thats it 3 lights total, gave everything else away . . . or my son took them

I do have a second L1 Cree in my nightstand drawer to back up my edc L1 and I wear the M1 pouch at night because I work nights

So 4 lights total :cool:

:thinking: Now I wonder who took my Diamond studded Malkoffed 6PLED
Surefire M2 in my backpack
RC-N3-Q5 on my belt
Gerber Tempo hangs around my neck when I want to preserve night vision.

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I carry my Jetbeam with me, either in a trouser pocket or a jacket pocket all the time. When I'm driving, I have it in a shirt pocket, but it's a bit too heavy for a T-shirt pocket. I also keep my 2C Task Force on the seat next to me and an old MInimag somewhere in the sleeper. Edited to add: I forgot to mention my Dorcy 220 lumens from Sears!

Guess I'm flashy, but at the same time I'm like a wannabe cop who carries 6 handguns hidden on his person! :crackup:

I'm flashy, If I only needed light to actually do things I could get buy with a 5mm LED on my key chain "though it's there if needed". I EDC belt carry my EDC-P7, and it's far from practical, but at least I finally found out what everyone meant when they said you could have to much light:shakehead! You know similar power out of an Incan seems Ok, but from a LED it's got this weird blinding affect:confused:, if I shine it on anything within say 5 feet I end up with one of those purple / blue spots blocking out the middle of my vision so I have to sort of see things from the corner of my eye:ohgeez::whistle:.

Probably ought to have something that can be "turned down"...
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