Mine says the same thing about Batman, or McGiver!Without the shirt tucked out, my wife says i need a utility belt like Batman (as i have my Nokia E51 in a case on my belt too)
Practical. It's not like I bought a McLux Ti PD so OTHER people can be impressed with it.
I only have one really "flashy" light, and that's my Milky E1L... a cool 220 lm OTF.
I'm flashy, If I only needed light to actually do things I could get buy with a 5mm LED on my key chain "though it's there if needed". I EDC belt carry my EDC-P7, and it's far from practical, but at least I finally found out what everyone meant when they said you could have to much light:shakehead! You know similar power out of an Incan seems Ok, but from a LED it's got this weird blinding affect, if I shine it on anything within say 5 feet I end up with one of those purple / blue spots blocking out the middle of my vision so I have to sort of see things from the corner of my eye