EX10 in a P2D holster on my belt with a spare cell in a Tools Aviation single (custom) 123 holder in my jeans pocket; a TK10 in an UltraFire 501 holster with a spare set of cells in a plastic waterproof match holder in my glovebox; a P10C in its holster with two spare cells in a (also custom) Tools Aviation 2x 123 holder in the center console (when I'm not working).
When I'm working (electrician), I switch out the EX10 with an Olight T15 Q5 '08 bored for 17500s in a P3D holster with a spare cell in a custom (shortened) chrome plated brass waterproof match holder (when I'm not wearing my tool bags, which is as often as possible, as when I
am wearing them, I'm working hard! :sigh

. In my tool bags there's a pocket where either an UltraFire 501B w/18650 w/one of various drop-ins or a TrustFire TR-801 Q5 resides (whichever one I'm not currently using for something else!

), with a spare cell (for either) in another plastic match holder (I've got about a dozen of them, only 89 cents :thumbsup: at WalMart!).
Not to mention many other lighs at home on deck waiting to replace one of the above at a moment's notice!
So pretty much I'd say I'm practical; maybe I'll add a Russtang Ti bezel to my Ex10 for a little flash!