Are ZebraLights moddable?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 18, 2008
I did some searching and came up dry. Has anyone attempted an emitter swap with any of the ZebraLight models?
OOps, I meant to post in the Homemade etc. forum. My bad. I'll delete if I can, otherwise I apologize for making more work for the mods.
Dang! Can't delete, or don't know how.

Now I feel like an fool. Mods, can you please move this thread to "Homemade and Modified Lights". It won't happen again, or at least for a while. ;)
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but would be pretty dang hard. The head of the ZL (my H50 at least) is filled with thermal epoxy for heatsinking and to keep everything in place. Good luck.
I wouldn't say it's impossible, but would be pretty dang hard. The head of the ZL (my H50 at least) is filled with thermal epoxy for heatsinking and to keep everything in place. Good luck.

Filled with thermal epoxy = not moddable.

Of course, you can do anything if you are determined enough. But for the effort involved, you would be better off selling it and buying a new one.
Filled with thermal epoxy = not moddable.

Yea, I figured it was a bad sign when I ran some searches and nothing came up. As popular as these lights are, someone for sure would have done an emitter swap and posted about it by now.

Dang. I ordered an H30 last week and I was hoping to swap for a warmer tint Cree. Oh well, maybe I'll get one with an acceptable tint.
I attempted to take the heatsink/emitter out of H30 but failed miserably.
I even tried to punch it out but it didn't move at all. So, I can confirm it will be quite tough getting the thing apart. I hope Zebralight gives us an option for some nice warm LEDs soon.
I forgot to add that I cleaned up the thermal epoxy looking stuff to show the bare aluminum(heatsink) but even then it didn't move a bit. So i guess really tight press fit with some epoxy sets the heatsink.
I do recall one person trying to get an H50 apart but no luck. It's too bad as most of the ones I've had are not exactly good tints. But then for some reason my luck has been terrible with Zebralights - a light I'd really like to like :D - but so far most have had some problem or another. I've got a dead H50 sitting here right now that Zebarlight sent me an RMA for and I still haven't had the time to send it back. I'm sure they could be milled out but I would think you'd destroy anything inside. As simple as the design seems I'm surprised some others haven't done some customs along this line or even some cheap knockoff's haven't been done from China. I've been very impressed with the small size and machining but I seem to have had the worst luck on the electronics and tints. My experience however seems to be the exception on these as most people seem to have solid lights (not sure on tint though).
I'm sure they could be milled out but I would think you'd destroy anything inside.

You think it would destroy the driver? I figure I can make a new heat sink and I won't need the emitter for anything if it has a bad tint, but destroying the driver would render it useless.

As simple as the design seems I'm surprised some others haven't done some customs along this line or even some cheap knockoff's haven't been done from China.

Yea, I've wondered about that. There are plenty of moddable headlamps out there, but none of them with the versatility of the ZebraLight. I guess you could say it's a hybrid between a headlamp and a 90degree anglehead. I'm also surprised the 90degree anglehead style isn't more popular than it is. I love 90degree anglehead, I sure wish a custom maker would adopt that style, forget the headlamp.
My light got some serious marks on the body from clamping. I'll send my light for free to whoever wants to mess with it!


I would love to try to mod one of these with a red Cree for use with my telescope. I'll happily pay shipping. PM incoming.
Yea, I've wondered about that. There are plenty of moddable headlamps out there, but none of them with the versatility of the ZebraLight. I guess you could say it's a hybrid between a headlamp and a 90degree anglehead. I'm also surprised the 90degree anglehead style isn't more popular than it is. I love 90degree anglehead, I sure wish a custom maker would adopt that style, forget the headlamp.

I've been trying to convince McGizmo to make a McBend, but alas, to no avail...