Around the house light for daughter?

Gary O

Newly Enlightened
May 1, 2010
My daughter needs a general purpose flashlight for everyday use and complains that the 6P class light I sent her is "too bright". She keeps that light next to her Smith & Wesson. Smart kid. However, she still need another general purpose light for finding her cat, etc. What say you?
If you're a Surefire family, I would suggest a light like the E1B or E2D, which have the lower second choice feature- you get used to the quick changeover. Otherwise the civilian women I've fitted out in my own family have been happy with a run of the mill POS-type light you can find most anywhere- generally the cheaper it is the more they use it and then complain that the switch falls off etc.
SureFire T1A, E2DL, E2d with MN02 lamp, E1e, E2L, E1L, E1B, and AZ2 are just a few options.
well if she already has the 6p and doesn't mind the feel and size why not get a solarforce L2 (l2m, l2p, etc) with a 3 mode drop in so she can have a medium and low?
A Fenix E01 works for me around the house at night. At 10 lumens it gets the job done!
I would say the E1L...Perfect battery, dual mode with a nice low 3L for reading or such and a 45L that will do just about everything I can think of outside of maybe a tactical/defence situation (does come close though :) ) Check got mine for $116 new, with free shipping 10% off and 8 free batteries. :)

KISS for daughters. Consider an AA sized Peak El Capitan with the optional momentary switch.


Maybe a Quark 123x2. A std model would give her plenty of modes to chose from for the task at hand. A tactical (or turbo) model would allow her to program a lower mode for that "general purpose lighting" and have the other mode programmed to turbo for when she really needs to light something up.

After some thought, just about any model Quark would be good. Mabye pick one in the battery type she prefers.
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Too bright? Blasphemy.

I'd go with a Quark 123. Obviously she has access to CR123's, and I don't think she will find the moonlight mode 'too bright.'
There is a special run of warm white Quarks (and Preon 2) at the moment. 4sevens even took $2 off the regular price. Remember your CPF8 discount code for an additional 8% off.

The Quark WARMS are roughly 72% the brightness of the equivalent cool white.
Warm white LEDs appear less bright than cool white LEDs of the same output.
Ha, there's a billion options, as you can see from the quite varied responses. Any other requirements or wishes from the OP that can help narrow things down a bit? I mean, a T1A and an E01 will both find cats, but they're pretty different lights. I would like to hear more about her taste in batteries, UI, size, etc, not to mention Dad's budget! :shrug:
For most tasks an E01 wold probably suffice, however, that being said, nothing beats my Quark 123 around the house in the middle of the night. Moonlight mode is perfect for the bathroom runs, and with just a twist, shazam! I have a light sabre (if I need it, of course)! If I had to make a first impression on something or someone that/who wasn't supposed to be there in the dark, though, I seriously doubt the E01 would be my first choice. It would be like showing up with a knife at a gunfight, if you know what I mean................:confused: