At the movies-do you eat popcorn


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
When going to movie theater, many folks buy snacks like milk duds or licorice but the main staple is popcorn. Big buckets of it smothered in some kind of butter flavored oil. "want extra butter with that sir?"…
And like that time it seemed a good idea to eat jello shots with beer the next day is spent recouperating. At least for some.

It's something Mrs Fixer and I enjoy about twice a year. While in the line for snacks I ask "you up for a popcorn hangover?" and I always hear "dang right" so when the pimple faced kid behind the counter says "want extra butter with that large popcorn?" the answer is always "you bectha"
I can't even imagine going to a movie theater and not getting the BIGGEST tub of buttered popcorn available!

Of course, I rarely get to a movie theatre anymore...............
I almost NEVER go to the theatre for an adult film. I think the last one I had seen was "Dunkirk"; I wanted to see it on the big screen to get the full affect of the body shaking surround sound.

It was a huge disappointment. Prior to that it might have been "Enemy At the Gates" (the battle of Stalingrad), which was terrific!

We'll sometimes watch a movie at home, and often we'll do so without any snacks. So it made me come to an understanding that it is unreasonable to spend $8.00 for a bag of popcorn, that I wouldn't eat at home, despite the fact that for about $0.25 I can pop my own, and use REAL butter!

When at home, if I am going to have snacks with the movie, it will often be Ritz crackers, and cheese or peanut butter. The salty Ritz will require a drink or two. That will usually be either Raspberry Iced Tea, or Red wine.

So usually when we go to the movies it is to see a Disney film. Most often a Marvel film. My daughter will usually pay for my theatre ticket, and I'll take everyone out to dinner later. So filling up on popcorn beforehand is a bit of a no-no, besides the unconscionable cost of it.
We don't go often either RW. To start with there aren't many movies coming out that interest me. Never was a big movie go-er but these days……

We went to see Liam Neeson's latest "memory" and in a theatre with over 100 seats we were nearly the only ones there. We picked the 4pm showing thinking less crowded but sheesh, there were only about 20 people total in the popcorn line for 16 movie choices.

When the bucket was down to about half I stopped eating any knowing the liquid plumber action would kick in around 2am. Mrs Fixer was down to the crumbs. lol. And she had pizza after……today we're both glad our home has two bathrooms.

Poppy, Enemy at the Gates is one I watch a couple times a year. I'm a fan of Ed Harris movies to start with. And that one told of a time not many in the free world realize even took place.
It's funny in the cold seasons when we go to the theater popcorn is a must.Now that our drive-in opened last weekend we won't set foot in a theater till it closes. But we never seem to eat popcorn at the drive-in.
Going to a movie…. I remember something like that once. That being said @Poppy you didn't like dunkirk? I watched it at home a few times. I think it's a great movie. I am an unashamed Christopher Nolan fan though
I posted this in an earlier discussion about war movies:
I REALLY didn't like Dunkirk! I know that I am in the minority, most people who I know, who saw it, really liked it.

Personally, I got lost watching the film, time warping back and forth, left me a bit confused, and too many of the characters/actors, looked too much the same, that I didn't always know who's story line I was following. I got anxious, during each of the near drowning scenes, but that is not enough to dislike a film. IMO it was terribly historically inaccurate.

There were over 300 thousand on the beach looking to get evacuated, but in the film it appeared that there were only a hundred or so extras. They could have used cgi to create thousands.
There were what? 2, 3 navy ships? IIRC there were 39 large navy ships at the rescue including some destroyers, and 850 or so "little ships" private sea craft greater than 30 feet in length with relatively shallow draft.

There was no mention of the rear guard fighting of the French, who bought time for the allies to get off of the beach. The rear guard fighting has historically been compared to the Spartans at Thermopylae, yet there was no mention.

I really doubt that the men would have stood single file on the beach, for hours, and not dive for cover, or shoulder their rifles and take aim at the strifing german planes that were strifing the men on the beach.

Just terrible.
It's good vi. (said while picking out stuck kernels between my teeth)
I could take it or leave it regarding Dunkirk. The modern day WW2 flicks don't usually float my boat enough to see it in a theatre.
I listen to "Mike the movie guy" on a local radio station on Friday mornings and every so often one he speaks about piques my interest.
Don't like crowds last movie I saw in theaters was the silence of the lambs
The Theatre we go to has about a dozen theaters in the one building. If they have a really hot movie they'll show it in more than one theatre at a time. A few years back, they spent a TON of money renovating and upgrading their seats, etc. They are now like an overstuffed leather chair, that reclines and has heat. There are cup holders between them.

My daughter gets our tickets online, and selects our seats. Reserved seating!

When the film is a really highly anticipated film, that the High School kids want to see, it will be sold out for the first few days. You can't have your child go to school Monday morning and be the only child who can't discuss the film because he didn't see it!

That would be too un-cool!

So yeah, we see all of the Marvel films, the first weekend that they are released.
Don't like crowds last movie I saw in theaters was the silence of the lambs
I have never seen that one, but one day this guy working for a contractor suddenly starts cutting his hair off in a 7-11 parking lot revealing flame tatoos on his skull. Suddenly out of nowhere this man walks up and says to the haircut guy "you there, you're perfect for a part in my movie"……and apparently hired the guy on the spot to be an extra in that one.

Near my home there's a small chain of theatres that serve meals while you watch the big screen. You can either buy food at the snack bar or if you choose to wait a server comes around and takes your order. You can get popcorn or jujubees, or a steak and baked potato…… the prices are not insane either.
At the movies-do you eat popcorn

Haven't been to a movie theater in years.

Can't even recall how long it's been since popcorn was purchased, there.

Though, I do remember when The Poseidon Adventure came out, in '72, heading to the nearby drive-in to watch it. If my memory serves, we had popcorn then. But, since then, ... :unsure:
I don't go to theaters.

I do like popcorn with butter and salt, BUT getting the kernel skins stuck in my teeth and gums for days afterward is so annoying that it makes the overall popcorn experience a negative one, and I avoid it at this point.
I enjoy movie popcorn with enough butter-like liquid forming a small pool at the bottom of the bucket. I usually pour out half into a drink tray, butter the bottom half with self-serve butter, pour the top half back in and butter again.

Then there are the powder flavors such as ranch, buffalo spice, sour cream/onion, even Dorito powder. Now that's sacrilege and going too far for me. 😂