Hi, people... A few questions about Lumens/ Candlepower and their equivalent physiological effects. I know weapons are in use that employ multiple green lasers to 'dazzle', or render combat-ineffective (i.e., squiggling around on the floor/ ground), an aggressor. This is accomplished through massive overload of the opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve... it produces a low-level seizure in nearly anybody, and produces the "mother of all headaches" afterward
. Could a handheld flashlight yield enough luminous intensity to do this?
Disclaimer: For the love of G-d, don't test this theory on yourself (the neighbor's annoying dog, maybe, but NOT YOURSELF!!!)
Especially you, Craig

Disclaimer: For the love of G-d, don't test this theory on yourself (the neighbor's annoying dog, maybe, but NOT YOURSELF!!!)
Especially you, Craig