Attaching lanyard to Quark 123-2

The split ring that came with the lanyard doesn't seem all that substantial to me. You haven't had any problems?
I'm guessing it would take more than fifty pounds of force to deform a split ring. Never heard of anyone complaining here at CPF.

The split ring that came with the lanyard doesn't seem all that substantial to me. You haven't had any problems? the small ti ring should work fine. As far as what knots to use, a simple lanyard knot on the end would suffice ( its what I have on my Ti PD-s at the moment). Not sure if a constrictor knot would be *useful*:thinking:

edit: are you referring to the lanyard that comes w/ it? the small ti ring should work fine. As far as what knots to use, a simple lanyard knot on the end would suffice ( its what I have on my Ti PD-s at the moment). Not sure if a constrictor knot would be *useful*:thinking:

edit: are you referring to the lanyard that comes w/ it?

Yes, I am referring to the lanyard and split ring that came with my Quark 123-2.