I don't know if it's proper to post this so moderators please take any appropriate action. I'll check back in a couple hours.
I decided I should get new virus protection since mine was waaaayyy expired and I"m too cheap (read broke) to buy more.
I loaded AVG Free 8 and it seems to work fine. It did find some spyware and the like. HOWEVER, it has an unadvertised feature. It deleted all the messages in my inbox. I"m running Mozilla Thunderbird version (20080421). There is no way to recover them.. gone forever. I got on their help forum (which has incorrect instructions on how to register) and eventually found this is an ongoing issue. THEY ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT AND DIDN'T POST A "KNOWN PROBLEMS" SECTION on the download site. I had mail from 1998 and three generations of computers ago in that inbox. It's partly my fault for not backing it up regularly but I've never had any problems before this.
I just wanted everyone to know. There are people here that don't always follow the mainstream so they could be using Thunderbird instead of an MS mail client.
I decided I should get new virus protection since mine was waaaayyy expired and I"m too cheap (read broke) to buy more.
I loaded AVG Free 8 and it seems to work fine. It did find some spyware and the like. HOWEVER, it has an unadvertised feature. It deleted all the messages in my inbox. I"m running Mozilla Thunderbird version (20080421). There is no way to recover them.. gone forever. I got on their help forum (which has incorrect instructions on how to register) and eventually found this is an ongoing issue. THEY ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT AND DIDN'T POST A "KNOWN PROBLEMS" SECTION on the download site. I had mail from 1998 and three generations of computers ago in that inbox. It's partly my fault for not backing it up regularly but I've never had any problems before this.
I just wanted everyone to know. There are people here that don't always follow the mainstream so they could be using Thunderbird instead of an MS mail client.