AWR Hotdriver


Dec 26, 2004
Chigger Branch, MS
What would cause a Mag138 with fully charged cells and otherwise in fine condition to come on when you click but only remain on for a second then go off. Every time I click the switch it comes on then almost immediately it goes off.

Blown FET?

Since AWR has been excommunicated is there any hope to replace the FET if that is what it is.

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Other than some recent upgrades that he has made which I don't believe anyone has, his HD's never really worked with a 90-100W bulb. The fact that it is cutting out is one of his protection features breaking the circuit. Could be the high temp, wrong setting for current limiting, or you don't have a version with the correct resistance to work with that setup. You can try to email him. I talk & email him all the time.
I just saw this and I had the same problem. I replaced the FET myself (with a bit of email help from awr), if you are reasonable with a soldering iron it will take 5 min.

if not do as lux says and send an email and as lux says you might want to use your hot driver for a set-up that uses a little less current.

Thanks to both of you for the replies. I was using this light with a FM battery holder and 12 CBP 1650 cells. The battery holder broke and I just got a custom battery pack from CBP using their new 1700 cells. I have a pos+ wire soldered to the bottom of the hotdriver and a +/- soldered to a charging jack in the tail cap. I suspect with this setup the resistance is so low I am getting too much current to the hotdriver and that is causing the shut down.

I'll try other bulbs fit for this voltage and see what happens.
FYI, some time back, I fried the FET on my hotdriver using the 100W 62138 bulb, even though it was set up to have the 62138 and 64610 used interchangeably. I sent it back to AWR and he repaired it. Since then I have not tried to use it with the 100W bulbs, and have only used it with no more than 50W bulbs, like the 64610. It has worked ok doing that.

I have used my repaired HD with the 64610 with both 12xAA's and 4x C li-ions. Works well.

Sorry that you have had issues with it. I agree with LuxLuthor's statement that the HD never really worked with 90-100W bulbs.

For the 62138, I have used direct drive with 11x AA's (11AA's and one dummy in an FM holder.) Same for the mighty 64625, and also the 64610.

Neither the 100w or 50w will stay on. After tearing the light down AWR has the hotdriver signed and labeled 13.2. My battery pack is providing 14.4 which is probably what is causing it to start then shut back down.
My hotdriver malfunctioned in the manner you described running a WA1185. I have not sent it back yet for repair. Must be a quality control problem with the component.
It's not necessarily a quality control issue. It is more likely not using a HD model for the purpose it was setup for. There is a low & high power (aka: high temp) version, another high power version with a high temp passive FET cooling mod, a setting for using high or low current, and if high current is used, a resistance mod that must coincide with the battery/bulb setup to work properly....and of course the adjustable Vbulb fine and course pots. All of those older Hotdrivers lack new features that have been added in the last 4 months which take the power stress off the FET.

Many people who got a AWR Hotdriver figured they were universal and interchangeable for any bulb/battery setup. That was never accurate.

There are also specific DMM measurement that can be taken at different points on the PCB to diagnose what is working or not.
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14.4? If that's an unloaded measurement it's basically empty to me for a high current light. Maybe the low voltage cutoff is kicking in. Maybe the problem is in your charging technique or charger, or the pack itself (bad cell?) I use a 64625 on 11x4/5A with a hotdriver with no problems. Can't use 12 cells though, hd no likee.

FYI, the mosfet fails on when it fails completely.
14.4? If that's an unloaded measurement it's basically empty to me for a high current light. Maybe the low voltage cutoff is kicking in. Maybe the problem is in your charging technique or charger, or the pack itself (bad cell?) I use a 64625 on 11x4/5A with a hotdriver with no problems. Can't use 12 cells though, hd no likee.

FYI, the mosfet fails on when it fails completely.

Bob, when you get into splitting hairs with AWR's old Hotdriver design, the issue with the FET blowing is the ΔWatts (VxI) that hits it, and how he set yours up.
The fundamental flaw of the hotdriver as a marketable product to me was the timing. It was basically designed in a AA world, then we all started using big boy cells - various versions of A cells - and it had trouble, especially with inexperienced users. That's why I can't use my 64625 4/5A light with 12 cells - too many watts hitting the FET, but it's the current from the cells that's doing it. But boy am I glad I got some. Of my 9 hotwire lights, only two are DD, and one of those I wish wasn't. The rest mostly couldn't be used at all without regulation. I can't wait to see what AW comes up with.
Many people who got a AWR Hotdriver figured they were universal and interchangeable for any bulb/battery setup. That was never accurate.

Mine was set up for the 1185 and never changed. One day I turned it on and it malfunctioned in the manner described by others. This is not design component falfunction?
Well I have another option on my issue. I am using a custom battery back from CBP which has never been charged since I got it three days ago. My Smart Charger for this pack is rated for 12-16.8 volts which is fine. However, when it is connected it just flashes red over and over. The volt meter shows 24.5. the charger must be malfunctioning, and the battery pack needs to be charged before the hotdriver will work properly.

Howsomever, like Bob G said, can't wait to see what AW comes up with, since AWR is pretty much out of the picture, unfortunately. I am probably one of the only ones that got everything I ever ordered from him and on time at that. Plus everything I returned got fixed in short order.

BUT LET'S NOT hijack this thread. There is another venue to beat up on AWR.
I have 12 Hotdrivers and they all work perfectly in their selected lights. I also am looking forward to AW's quality drop in reg drivers. However, people need to know what to tell him when they order to setup the correct Vbatt and it will not have an adjustable voltage potentiometer.