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Sold/Expired B: 6AA to 2D battery adaptor


Newly Enlightened
Oct 14, 2007
Turku, Finland

I need two 6AA to 2D battery adaptors for my 2D Mag-ROP. One battery pack for operation, second to be carried as spare battery.

I would like to charge AA cells separately, so I would appreciate if the adaptor could be disassembled and assembled relatively easily.

Shipping to Finland is a must :p

If anyone could either sell me his/her own battery adaptors, or give pointer to some shop which would sell those, I would be very happy. Thanks!

- Kalle
Thanks Donn,

I am still pondering whether to buy Fivemega's battery adaptor, or to buy one which would allow charging the cells separately.

Reasons for this are:
- intelligent chargers capable of charging 6 NiMh in series are quite expensive in Finland
- I just have a belief that charging cells separately with good charger (e.g. LaCrosse BC-900) would end up in better result than charging cells in series
- I still want to buy a good charger for separate cells and I would not want to buy an extra charger just for Maglite mod
- even if I have spent a lot of time browsing through CPF, I did not find that thread :eek: but I believed that Fivemega is not selling those adaptors any more.
FiveMega IS selling those adapters still, he has a new batch.

Also, the cells are easy to remove for individual charging. You just unscrew the knurled nut at the end, and the cells slide out of the top.

great, thanks for this information :twothumbs I'll make the order right away!

- Kalle
Don't know how many they hold but Eneloop has an offer going that if you buy any of the Eneloop products and send in the rebate form (print off online) they send you 2 C and 2 D adaptors. Found this in a Marketplace thread.

I bought a 4 AA pack for $12.00 at Ritz Camera and sent in my forms an hour ago. Other people report getting the adaptors in about 4 weeks.
What cells are you using ktt?

Sanyo Eneloops are certainly a good choice. I have a set on the way for my 2nd ROP.
Sanyo 2700s apparantly do not fit the holder.
CBP Elite 1700s are exceptionally good under high loads

I have personally trialled Nosram 2700s. They take some balancing to start with, but they behave very well.
Hello MikeSalt

I have bought Varta Ready2Use 2100 mAh NiMh cells to be used with that. I measured 4 individual cells with Mauser, the result was 14.18-14.24 mm in diameter.

- Kalle
I don't have Eneloops (yet), but I have some of those Varta cells and GP Recykos, and the GPs are much fatter than the Vartas. I have a 2AA light which the GPs just won't fit into, but the Vartas slide in and out effortlessly.

I was going to use the Recykos, but now I'm starting to think that they probably won't fit. But it's ok if they don't, I was going to get a few Eneloops anyway. Now I'll just wait until I get my FM adapter to see how many Eneloops I need...
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