Baby Feeding LIGHT ???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for a blue/red type light that will be easy
on the eyes when feeding the little one at 3am.

I'm looking for something that can be set for very dim
and brighter when needed.

Any suggestions or other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

PS- I'm currently using a Novatac 120P on it's lowest setting
during the feedings, but am looking for other options.

The red Photon Microlight III is a good choice for what you requested. However, I'd suggest just tailstanding your Novatac for a ceiling bounce. The little ones will be mesmerized by a light source, but I don't think it would be good for their eyes to stare at even dim red LEDs. A ceiling bounce will prevent that, and the overall lighting will be more even and dim enough not to strain your own eyes either.

My wife saw me typing this and told me to say, that it's best to feed the baby in darkness. At least when breast-feeding.
If you want to spend a little money the Surefire Kroma is awesome on low red and blue. I use it to sneak into bed without waking the wicked witch of the east. I used it last night to take care of my 3 year old daughter (she puked) got her cleaned up without waking her.
I'd also recommend something you can cieling bounce. With my little ones, when taking care of them in the middle of the night, I tailstand my Fenix P2D on LOW somewhere in the room, like on their dresser, and there is plenty of light, almost too much. If your Novatac can be set real low and then tailstand I would think that would be the way to go.
A mule works best, since on low, the pattern is very even flood it does not effect baby if shine directly. However quite costly. The photon freedom could be used, sheap and cheeerful and comes with very useful accessories for hands free usage. Furthermore its cheap to run and the brightness can be controlled. Disadvantage is that the pattern is not that floody....
At the risk of being branded a heretic...

Sorry, but this strikes me as over-complicating the issue--trying to find a way to use a tool just to use that tool. Personally, assuming baby is in his/her own room, I'd just put a dimmer on a light in that room and be done with it.

Unless I was looking for an excuse to buy a new flashlight, that is ;)

I recently gave a Streamlight Sidewinder to a co-worker that just had a baby. It's white, red, green, and blue LED's each have four brightness settings. It tailstands well and can be directed wherever you want. I got it thinking he might make some use of it for seeing to the baby or for getting out of bed without disturbing the wife. If only the light had a brighter white LED it would make the perfect Christmas gift light.
I have been using my hds lights on .33 setting to take care of my daddy duties at night. works great for me and i let my kids play with them as i change them keeps them occupied.
Not that I am any sort of authority on this subject seeing as how I am not married nor do I have any children yet, but how about a night light? It seems to me that a little ambient light coming from somewhere in the room would be more relaxing than having a big spot of light on the ceiling above you. But if this is just an excuse to buy another light then right on! Also, one of those on/off LED candles might be nice for real low level light.
a night light would work but than your children will get used to sleeping with one and that is a long road to go down trust me.
Um, headlamp anyone??

It can take 3 hands to feed a baby, and another to hold a flashlight, and that means your already 2 hands over budget. Energizer and Rayovac make several that have red/blue combinations. The Inova 24/7 also has red/blue variations, depending on the standard yellow model, or a police model.
Yes, a headlamp does have many advantages. However, it's pretty much impossible to avoid shining it directly into the baby's eyes at some point when handling him/her, so it had better be a dim one.
If you want to spend a little money the Surefire Kroma is awesome on low red and blue. I use it to sneak into bed without waking the wicked witch of the east. I used it last night to take care of my 3 year old daughter (she puked) got her cleaned up without waking her.

Buy a Surefire Kroma just to feed a baby.......

The baby is going to need a teeny little light so he/she can wrap their little paws around it. It needs to put out enough light so they can find their way to the fridge at night too. So a AA or AAA light would be my first choice...

When feeding my baby at night, I just turned on a light in the next room. The spill was plenty. Why make things more complex than necessary?
If you want to spend a little money the Surefire Kroma is awesome on low red and blue. I use it to sneak into bed without waking the wicked witch of the east. I used it last night to take care of my 3 year old daughter (she puked) got her cleaned up without waking her.

I'd recommend the Kroma also!
I have a 2 month old and I use the same light I always use for nighttime Streamlight Stylus Pro.

If you are that into the red light you could always just buy a red filter if you have a Fenix.

You....DO...have a Fenix.....right?