Batonlite arrival


Sep 3, 2002
The postman has just delivered my parcel from the States with my Batonlite and spare batteries.

The switch section seems to move very easily and I can see it getting turned on by accident quite a lot?

Is this common??
it is with mine. i suggest you keep the the button in the maximum travel position (or close to it) to avoid this problem and check it occasionly to make sure the end cap hasn't screwed itself in.
Mines does this also. Just a tip: I've used teflon tape, the kind plumbers use to affix to pipe threads before adjoining them. Still turns smooth, yet requires more torque than the stock batonlite without it. To me, it adds just the right amount of resistance, similar to the resistance encountered with the Inova X-5T, if you are at all familiar with that one.

is the Teflon tape standing up to wear ?

I once tried using a couple of layers of tape on a turn-switch. As the switch was turned on/off it must have chewed up the tape, because after very little use it had turned into scraps of Teflon inside of the light.

I believe that some lubricants and Teflon are incompatible too - the tape turns into mush or is eaten away.

lightlover, that is a good point. After several months of usage, the tape starts to shred up and leave little scraps here and there, but I just remove it and replace as part of routine maintenance. I know it is more desirable to have a maintenance-free light, but my baton light kept activating on me in my pocket and at the current price of N cells, this was eating a hole in my wallet. I picked up the PTFE (Teflon) tape at Homey Depot for a couple of bucks and it's about 180ft. Should last me awhile.

Aww, if it took "several months", that sounds OK - mine, it took only a few days. Maybe there are different thicknesses of Teflon ?
Or maybe I had it fitted over the end of the body, (being torn by the switch action) instead of just around the threading.

Try wrapping some waxed dental floss around the threads. You'll need to play with it awhile to figure how much you need, but it'll give you something to do with all that dental floss the dentist keeps giving you & you keep throwing in the drawer. TX
I found the ideal use for the light last when when I went out jogging.

With the supplied split ring on your trigger finger it sits really well in the hand for running with the thumb posed over the button and the light gripped lightly in the fist.

They had closed off part of the road that I run alongside so I had to traverse a few hundred yards of unpacked hard core in the pitch black, or would have had to if not for the trusty batonlite.