Battery "cleaning"??!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
So I was reading on one of the forum threads, about cleaning old flashlight parts with DeOxIT, so I went to Caig's website, and looked at their products, and noticed a battery cleaning kit! Yes, you read that right, a battery cleaning kit! So, this is a new concept to me, so I'll this a valid concern? Who buys this product? Have you ever purchased or used this or another product to "clean" your batteries? Maybe I'm ignorant, if so, educate me, please!


It seems like a gimmick item to me, to make money off of obsessive compulsive disorder customers. But, maybe I'm uninformed. If so, I apologize to all parties involved.

DeoxiT is the best for all electrical contacts (y)(y)

You can get a 500 pack of q-tips for a few dollars.
My goodness, yes! Used it as a liquid and as a spray on jukeboxes, phonographs, building automation and access systems, HVAC and marine wiring, flashlights, bulbs, etc. etc.
It's a excellent product to keep in a repair kit. I like to keep it in several forms, including the pen type applicator. My favorite is usually the aerosol solution with the adjustable L-M-H spray. A little goes a long way.

My goodness, yes! Used it as a liquid and as a spray on jukeboxes, phonographs, building automation and access systems, HVAC and marine wiring, flashlights, bulbs, etc. etc.
It's a excellent product to keep in a repair kit. I like to keep it in several forms, including the pen type applicator. My favorite is usually the aerosol solution with the adjustable L-M-H spray. A little goes a long way.

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So you have used it to clean batteries?
Indeed I have, especially on twisty incandescents, such as Tekna Splash-Lite. Both the bulb contact and the battery contacts. Would I buy the little battery kit... no.
I agree that DeoxIT is great stuff. I keep a spray can of red and a can of gold around, mostly for cleaning things like the internals of stereo receiver heads, guitar amps, pots, switches, etc. I've cleaned flashlight contacts with it, but when I'm going through a light, greasing the threads & o-rings, cleaning the lens, etc., I usually just hit the battery contacts with alcohol and a Q-tip. Never seem to get much dirt off of them, so I think your original comment about making $$ off of OCD folks could have some merit.
You know ive had some surefire cr123s in my truck for about 6 years now. For some reason they have developed an oxide layer on the positive and negative terminals. I have to polish the terminals on my jeans before i use them.
Sometimes I find a light not behaving well despite the cells being good. Often it is the cell end contacts, not necessarily contacts in the light although a previous (alka)leak event can sometimes be the cause.

I just buff the cell ends with a tissue, maybe use a bit of (cheap) isopropyl alcohol. No need for fancy, pricey products.

If you have to use an ignore list the internet isn't the place for you. Besides this is CPF you aren't gonna scroll around and see some beheadings, trans, nazisim, or MLP.

Anyways OP I once had to clean 12V battery terminals for my father on an automoblie.
Ignore list updated ;)
Using the ignore list is a component of OCD, to attempt to control and reduce anxiety. I would say, as a lay person, who just did a brief research on OCD on the internet, that FA likely is a person with OCD, based on the person's account of actually cleaning battery surfaces, and the response to the question of whether they have been told that they have OCD. If this person does have it, like all mental issues, it is not the fault of the person, or a moral weakness, rather a disorder that they have, and does not reflect negatively upon them as a person. I have sympathy for anyone with a mental disorder. It can happen to anyone.
Couldn't someone troll by copy pasting the posts and not attributing them to the ignored person. Quoting directly probably doesn't work. Also you would need to add a little new text so a spam filter doesn't catch it I would assume.

If you have to use an ignore list the internet isn't the place for you. Besides this is CPF you aren't gonna scroll around and see some beheadings, trans, nazisim, or MLP.

Anyways OP I once had to clean 12V battery terminals for my father on an automoblie.
MLP...My Little Pony?!

Cleaning automobile battery terminals is ordinary maintenance--I mean, who HASN'T done that? Only the most pampered driver, or someone who never keeps a car long, I figure. Or, urbanites that don't own automobiles. *shudder* Unless one does it when it isn't required, I wouldn't worry about it, it isn't a symptom of OCD.

Back to DeoxiT

It's not just a solvent, there is some kind of magic silicone micro-whatever in it, as an emulsion .
You can feel just a bit of slickness to surface cleaned.

Yes, you can use alcohol, sandpaper, turpentine, gas,,~,,
DeoxiT just works very well.

Back to DeoxiT

It's not just a solvent, there is some kind of magic silicone micro-whatever in it, as an emulsion .
You can feel just a bit of slickness to surface cleaned.

Yes, you can use alcohol, sandpaper, turpentine, gas,,~,,
DeoxiT just works very well.
@orbital I don't think anyone is disparaging DeoxIT, or saying it isn't a good product. My point was about cleaning batteries, regardless of the product, really. I have never used a solvent of any kind to clean batteries, but like others have mentioned, I may have rubbed the contacts on my jeans, sometime in my lifetime--that's a few more years than I like to think about. ⌛ But I like to think I'm open-minded, and so I ask the question, is this a common practice among many forum members for a significant increase in battery performance or just like, an OCD exploitation for profit?