Battery Drain

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Ok, I just took the batteries out of my Koroma when the high beam stopped working so I decided to see if they had enough juice to run in my P1DCree. One of the two batteries worked fine and all the modes were ok. The other battery would barely run the P1D on low. Shouldn't both batteries have the same juice left in them? If so, is there something wrong with my Karoma?
I would think this is normal, many batteries are not have same power when it comes out the factory. Always when these are running in series, one out of the group will be much lower than the rest. In rc there are match packs, ie batteries having same characteristics and power in a group these are very good when delivering power to the appliances whatever it may be since they are all same so produce same amount of drive. Disadvantage is that when they are depleted, they deplete together, rather then diminishing output over a finite time....I wouldn't worry about the Kroma. To be safe pop in fresh batteries and see if it works. If it doesn't then you shuld be worried...:)
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thermal guy said:
Ok, I just took the batteries out of my Koroma when the high beam stopped working so I decided to see if they had enough juice to run in my P1DCree. One of the two batteries worked fine and all the modes were ok. The other battery would barely run the P1D on low. Shouldn't both batteries have the same juice left in them? If so, is there something wrong with my Karoma?

That is pretty normal even if the cells where the same when first inserted. You will find the the cell closest to the anode contact is usually the lower one.