Battery holder for charger?


Nov 30, 2006
Melbourne, Australia.
Is there a good battery holder for AA, AAA, CR123 size batteries to go with Triton etc...charger? I have managed to fried a few cheap holders as the interconnecting wires have high resistance and heat up readily. It could not take anything above 2C charging current.
Hello LA OZ,

You should take a look at Cy's battery clamp.

If you are charging a number of cells in series, you can use PVC pipe sections to keep the cells in place as you adjust the clamp. If you can't find the right diameter pipe, you can use some cardboard and tape to make your own.

LA OZ, you want to have someone from Germany send you a Voltcraft battery holder from Conrad Electronics. It very, very nicely holds 1,2,3 or 4 AAA, AA, C and D batteries that I know of. You can make your own charging leads and then you will have the same perfect setup I have. Make sure you get around 3 of them. You won't exactly figure out why until you need 3 of them....

Bob E.

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